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The New World - Patrick Ness
The New World
by: (author)
4.11 95
In this dramatic short story -- a prequel to the award-winning Chaos Walking Trilogy -- author Patrick Ness gives us the story of Viola's journey to the New World. Whether you're new to Chaos Walking or an established fan, this prequel serves as a fascinating introduction to the series that... show more
In this dramatic short story -- a prequel to the award-winning Chaos Walking Trilogy -- author Patrick Ness gives us the story of Viola's journey to the New World. Whether you're new to Chaos Walking or an established fan, this prequel serves as a fascinating introduction to the series that Publishers Weekly called "one of the most important works of young adult science fiction in recent years."
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Format: kindle
ASIN: B0044KM2L2
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Pages no: 25
Edition language: English
Series: Chaos Walking
Community Reviews
Kaethe rated it
5.0 The New World - Patrick Ness  
12/31/16Nothing else was really grabbing me, you know? I saw an ad for the film Monsters of Men, which brought me to Ness and thinking it's been too long since I read it, because when I was recommending the series to Natasha as truly excellent sci fi, I couldn't remember much except lots of twists i...
Url Phantomhive
Url Phantomhive rated it
4.0 The New World
The New World is a short story that's set before the start of The Knife of Never Letting Go (the first book in the Chaos Walking series). I think however, that you will enjoy this short story better after reading (at least a part) of the trilogy before reading The New World. You can also read my rev...
JulieHasMoved rated it
4.0 The New World
After reading #2.5 I am reducing the rating on this one just a little. Most definitely not enough...but some beautiful insight regardless. Love getting some of Bradley as well. :)
A Gandy Girl
A Gandy Girl rated it
4.0 The New World
After reading #2.5 I am reducing the rating on this one just a little. Most definitely not enough...but some beautiful insight regardless. Love getting some of Bradley as well. :)
 Stacia in Progress
Stacia in Progress rated it
3.0 The New World (FREE short story)
So I'm working on a group challenge over the next few months where we are picking up unfinished series. It's been a while since I've read book 1, so I figured that taking in this prequel short might refresh my mind. It did, but now I'm unsure if this is the series I want to continue with.Decisions,...
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