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The Train to Timbuctoo (Family Storytime) - Margaret Wise Brown
The Train to Timbuctoo (Family Storytime)
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Number 4 in the series, this classic story by bestselling children's author, Margaret Wise Brown (author of Goonight Moon), follows the travels of two trains - one big, one little - as they head down the tracks for Timbuctoo.
Number 4 in the series, this classic story by bestselling children's author, Margaret Wise Brown (author of Goonight Moon), follows the travels of two trains - one big, one little - as they head down the tracks for Timbuctoo.
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9780307102157 (0307102157)
Publisher: Golden Books
Pages no: 24
Edition language: English
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Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd rated it
1.5 Not as Ridiculous as I Thought
I wonder why it is that if you harshly criticise a children's book people get upset at you, namely because it is a children's book. Hold it, when I think about it I suspect that it has less to do with it being a children's book and more to do with the fact that some people simply do not like you cri...
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