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Discussion: Non-Booklikes Member Blog URLs
posts: 15 views: 1574 last post: 4 years ago
created by: Cheri's Book Blog
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I'm on Goodreads, LibraryThing, Riffle, Libib and Litsy. Then there's my journal on Dreamwidth (http://crimsoncorundum.dreamwidth.org), with all my reviews (except for the ones in Swedish - I have another one for that). Other than that I'm on Wordpress, Twitter, some writing sites, Second Life and some others. On Libib and Litsy my username is the same as here. On LibraryThing and Goodreads I'm MilliLinnea. If you'd like to keep in touch somewhere else, just let me know and I'll tell you my usernames there. I hope to have my personal homepage back up and working again soon, and when that happens I'll mainly use that, but I'll still be on Dreamwidth etc.
My blog and books and info about me, including social media links, are all at my website, http://www.cplesley.com, although the blog actually exists outside of the site, at http://blog.cplesley.com (where you get, among other things, formatting). It's also worth knowing about my publisher's site, http://www.fivedirectionspress.com. And I'm on GoodReads as C.P. Lesley (no spaces between the initials, which is important on GoodReads).
Blog: https://marjoriesworldofbooks.wordpress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marjoriecracked
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/32379875-marjorie
I started a blog as a backup just in case in this place disappears.


And you can always find me on Goodreads.
Wordpress: Mystereity Reviews

Twitter @Mystereity


I just created a wordpress in case BookLikes goes down.

It's very bare as of right now.

I did the same over the weekend. I don't know how long it'll be before I can get it beefed up, but here it is:

Murder by Death
I have a blog, which is actually just a repost of my booklikes posts. I guess I will have to use it if booklikes goes bye bye.

Reading is my Escape

I now have a WordPress blog (so much more functionality than GoodReads): https://sharonecathcart.wordpress.com/

I'm still in the tweaking phases with the layout and such.
I don't know how I missed this group... Anyway, my WP blog is at:
My new site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance I do not have high hopes regarding BLs for the coming year. It has been painfully slow the last week.
All right, I have figured out a bit of a work-around for us to keep in touch on our separate blog platforms through bloglovin (yes, the name is awful, but the service works pretty well).

Go to bloglovin @ www.bloglovin.com and set up an account. You can then search for individual blogs and add them to your feed. The easiest way to do this, in my experience, is to click on the member blog and then copy the url. Go back to bloglovin and go to search & scroll down to "add a blog" and paste in the url. It will do some magical thinking and then eventually give you the option to follow the blog, which you should select.

I've been using bloglovin for a while, so my feed is full of other blogs as well. I wanted to separate out my BL buddies blogs, so I clicked on my profile icon & went to following and created a group called "Booklikes Friends Blogs," which I then added everyone to. When I go to my feed, I can actually create a smaller feed of just BL peeps so I can keep the important bloggers separated from the unimportant bloggers.

If you give it a try, let me know what you think. My personal blog is at www.thedwsblog.com, if you want to follow me there.
Reply to post #30 (show post):

Does the bloglovin feed let you comment and "like" posts irrespective of where they're at? I.e., in WP, you can add blogger posts to your reader feed, but it won't let you comment / like them.
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I like this, it provides the one spot stop feed I was looking for :) I put a Bloglovin link on the top right of my home page that people who have accounts can just click on to follow also.
Reply to post #31 (show post):

@BrokenTune - yes, it does. I just posted a comment to Whiskey in the Jar's blog (she is on blogspot) through bloglovin' and was able to use my name/URL to do it. It was super easy. There is also a way to comment with a wordpress ID, but I think you need a xxxx.wordpress.com address, and I don't have one of those.
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