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Discussion: Report your bingo (first drawing)
posts: 15 views: 1711 last post: 8 years ago
created by: Abandoned by user
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Excellent, WBB! :)

Bark: sooo not lame. My first bingo was mostly the low hanging fruit on my TBR; things have gone more slowly since. :P
Reply to post #36 (show post):

Congrats to everyone!

@SusannaG - The scenic route--I'm kind of doing the exact same thing. :D
Congrats Everyone!
Congratulations!! :)
Reply to post #43 (show post):

Congratulations, Lora!
Bingo! http://libromancersapprentice.booklikes.com/post/1466854/bingo

And now to get back to all the other stuff I need to read that may not fit into this chart, I've got a bit more breathing room for completing a blackout.
Great job everyone! The tracking post is updated through post #50!
I just finished off my second bingo last night - update post is here. :)
Reply to post #50 (show post):

I finished my first bingo!

Link to my books here
Uh, so many bingos. Congratulations everybody :D.
Congrats Kell's RR! :)
Congratulations all! :D
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