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UQ Holder 1 - Ken Akamatsu
UQ Holder 1
by: (author)
3.89 45
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9781612629339 (1612629334)
Publisher: Kodansha Comics
Pages no: 200
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Blogging Between the Lines
Blogging Between the Lines rated it
4.0 UQ Holder 1
Better than I expected. looking forward to the rest of the immortal team in the next volume.
pedestrienne rated it
3.0 UQ Holder 1
It's so hard to tell if I like things when I'm reading them on a computer screen.
pedestrienne rated it
3.0 UQ Holder 1
It's so hard to tell if I like things when I'm reading them on a computer screen.
pedestrienne rated it
3.0 UQ Holder 1
It's so hard to tell if I like things when I'm reading them on a computer screen.
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