Ayla Und Das Lied Der Höhlen
9783453265431 (3453265432)
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Earth's Children part 1/2 (#6)
I'm out, I quit. What a load of shit. I'm actually quite angry at the moment. This is a series I have read over and over and have come to admire. This tripe does not belong with that series. THIS IS RUBBISH, it is crap, it should never have been released.The amount of spelling and grammatical errors...
Do ostatnich stron "Krainy jaskiń" miałem nadzieję, że autorka choć na chwilę wróci do klimatu, jaki posiadał pierwszy tom sagi - "Klan Niedźwiedzia Jaskiniowego". I faktycznie: nadzieja matką głupich, przysłowie to mówi samą prawdę... Mówiąc o Dzieciach Ziemi stale myślę o grach wideo. Konkretn...
I've read the entire series and this book left me disappointed. There were parts that had a little too much description, some of it not necessary. My biggest challenge with it is the ending. It not only felt rushed, but the behaviors that took place for some of the characters, Ayla, Jondalar and ...
Cross-posted at ReaderlingGood lord. This was paiiiiinful. So painful that I couldn't get through more than 200 pages, and only that while skimming pretty heavily. Oh, Ayla, I am disappoint. You don't get to book 6 of a long, decreasingly satisfactory book series without being a partisan, and I was ...
This was really tedious with all the repetitions both within and from previous books. I don't mind detail of world building and everyday life; I like that in this series overall, but nobody needs to be told events that happened previously again and again. An editor should have cut a lot of this.