Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps V. 2
9781848568112 (1848568118)
Edition language: English
Science Fiction,
Sequential Art,
Graphic Novels,
Graphic Novels Comics,
Comic Book,
Dc Comics
Series: Blackest Night (#6)
There are three miniseries collected here, all tying into Blackest Night: Flash, JSA, and Wonder Woman. I'll get JSA out of the way: didn't care for it. This is probably because I had little to no background in these characters and the team in general, at least in part. On the other hand, I really e...
Not the best of the Blackest Night arc, but still pretty good. I really don't like Superman so it took me a bit to get through that part but the rest was alright. I found the part with Barry Allen to be really interesting as well as the Wonder Woman sections.