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Changing Planes - Eric Beddows, Ursula K. Le Guin
Changing Planes
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3.48 110
The National Book Award-winning author takes flight with this bestselling collection of speculative fiction where a woman visits fifteen otherworldly—yet familiar—societies.
The National Book Award-winning author takes flight with this bestselling collection of speculative fiction where a woman visits fifteen otherworldly—yet familiar—societies.
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Format: mass market paperback
ISBN: 9780441012244 (0441012248)
Publisher: Ace
Pages no: 239
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Tannat rated it
2.0 Changing Planes by Ursula K. Le Guin (audiobook)
I'm not sure what I was expecting with this book, but this definitely wasn't it. This isn't a story, or even several interconnected stories; it's a series of travel articles about different alternate worlds ("planes") that can be accessed by being uncomfortable in airports and reaching the correct s...
Aerin rated it
5.0 Review: Changing Planes, by Ursula K. Le Guin
Changing Planes is a delightful book. It delights me.This anthropological tour through some of the stranger societies in the multiverse begins by explaining its basic premise: Airports are not only portals to other terrestrial cities, but also to other dimensions. Interplanar travel requires no ma...
Arbie's Unoriginally Titled Book Blog
Arbie's Unoriginally Titled Book Blog rated it
3.0 Changing Planes, Ursula Le Guin
An amusing set of shorts based on the conceit of being able to change planes in airports...planes of existence that is. Many of these are more by way of reports on the cultures of strange and alien lands and peoples than conventional narratives, but the doses of amusing satire prevent them becoming ...
Bookake rated it
4.0 Changing Planes
Changing Planes begins with a tale about how Sita Dulip discovered a method of transporting oneself to another plane of reality, whilst waiting for her delayed flight at the airport. There then follows a series of short stories about one person's trips and experiences to these alternate planes.My f...
Seeford's Spot
Seeford's Spot rated it
Not at all what I expected. Not a consistent storyline, but a series of short 'travelogues' about each plane to include it's history, etc.Each one of those has a strong moral tale, they are interesting, but rather pedantic.
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