This was a wonderfully fun second installment to the series. I liked that this volume gave further insight into the supernatural beings aboard the air ship. A huge part of Saphronia's life revolves around espionage, but an equally large portion of her time is spent learning proper etiquette to survi...
Read This Review & More Like It At Ageless Pages ReviewsIf you recall my review of Etiquette & Espionage , I liked the setting and characters, but had a problem with what I considered a non-ending. Fortunately, I think Ms. Carriger has hit her stride with the second in the series.Once again, Sophron...
When I first read Etiquette & Espionage I remember having a fun, laugh out loud time reading about a steampunk school for lady spies taught by spies, inventors and a vampire with a crazy moustache. It was a fun read and while it was a very lighthearted and far from overly-serious read—I was still ea...
This was a very good sequel. I love that "grades" are given and Sophronia has a whole lot of added pressure. Many of the same characters return, but we do get up close and personnel with a few. We also get a brief look at Lord Akeldama. The story is full of mystery and it takes a lot for Sophronia t...
Such a great Young Adult series but with all the humor you expect from [author:Gail Carriger|2891665]. This series makes me want to read the Soulless series again just so I can see what happened to some of the people, especially Soap. I vaguely remember him, I think. So I'd like to see if he and ...
While better than the first, Curtsies & Conspiracies is just as perfunctory as the first with "reports" rather than story telling padding the entertaining dialogue.
“What’s a man like down there?” “Oh.” Sidheag wrinkled her nose. “Unimpressive. They have,” she gestured toward her own nether regions with one hand, “a sort of dangly sausage—lacks tailoring.” Brilliant description, brilliant! If ever there was an enjoyable book featuring a Mary Sue of a heroine, ...
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