Stretching from the distant past into the remote future, from primordial Earth to the stars, Evolution is a soaring symphony of struggle, extinction, and survival; a dazzling epic that combines a dozen scientific disciplines and a cast of unforgettable characters to convey the grand drama of...
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Stretching from the distant past into the remote future, from primordial Earth to the stars, Evolution is a soaring symphony of struggle, extinction, and survival; a dazzling epic that combines a dozen scientific disciplines and a cast of unforgettable characters to convey the grand drama of evolution in all its awesome majesty and rigorous beauty. Sixty-five million years ago, when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, there lived a small mammal, a proto-primate of the species Purgatorius. From this humble beginning, Baxter traces the human lineage forward through time. The adventure that unfolds is a gripping odyssey governed by chance and competition, a perilous journey to an uncertain destination along a route beset by sudden and catastrophic upheavals. It is a route that ends, for most species, in stagnation or extinction. Why should humanity escape this fate?
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Format: mass market paperback
9780345457837 (0345457838)
Publish date: February 3rd 2004
Publisher: Del Rey Books
Pages no: 646
Edition language: English
Science Fiction Fantasy,
Science Fiction,
Historical Fiction,
Speculative Fiction,
Hard Science Fiction,
It's an interesting piece of speculative fiction and definitely not what I expected. It's a novel that reads like a collection of short stories, each placed in different point in past and, eventually, a possible future, with the story of Joan Useb's attempt to save the dying world via science as f...
workaday mp3. Fictional vignettes strung together from factual pre-history to the speculative non-future of humans.On and On and On and On and On and On....NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!