This is a group created to help BookLikers get the most out of BookLikes. Tips on adding books and editing books, using your shelves efficiently and customising your blogs will be gathered here for easy reference. Threads will be available to ask questions and get answers from the wider community. Please note: This is NOT an official BookLikes group. As such, please do not come here to report bugs, vent your frustrations or your irritation...
Last post: Oh yay - thanks. I keep accidentally using the ones I mean NOT to use b/c I have far too many and I've not even been here a whole month yet! Thank you very much lovely Librari... by
"So it goes."
Last post: This group was created to serve as a general "how do I...?" forum and will grow as we go, so please if there's anything you want to know how to do on BookLikes, please ask! Of... by Murder by Death
Last post: First, to address the ASIN that didn't exist; there are thousands of these in the system - near as I can tell they are/were Amazon merchant ASINs for used books. Speculation ... by Murder by Death
Last post: Goodreads is now open source (open archive)? They used to be protective of data including bookcovers considering much of it user-provided with permission solely for goodreads'... by
Debbie's Spurts
Last post: At some point in the last 18 months or so, BL imports started conflating kindle and ebook records, combining them into one edition with a Kindle format. This has caused much ... by Murder by Death
Last post: Moving your books from GoodReads to BookLikes Showing your favourite quotes from GoodReads on your BookLikes blog (It's a short list so far, but we have to start somewhere!) by Murder by Death
Last post: More than a few people have asked how to contact a BookLikes librarian about issues they've found with books. Here's how: On every book page there's a small flag icon next t... by Murder by Death
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