Ok, here's a dumb one, but I'm flummoxed, I want to look at which books I have on which shelves, but when I click on a shelf it give me options to make it exclusive, move it up or down, delete it, but doesn't take me to that shelf. What's weird is I thought it used to, but maybe I'm crazy? Any help ...
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Did y'all see this?? CrazyMultiNameAKASharon I've been off BL for a few days, but was just catching back up and I saw this giveaway (for an uncorrected copy) and thought it was a new pseudonym? I don't remember this one, http://stephaniedray.booklikes.com/ It's Sharoncleofairylamadingdong, right?
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It must be exhausting being so persecuted, poor, poor dear...
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I am Ceilidh on GR (with the Buffy book avatar) and Ceilidh here https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7842303-ceilidh
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I'm also a GR refugee, same profile name, different picture (there I'm Buffy with her Vampyre book). I'm really digging BL, but am so glad to see these groups now, even with all the blog posts it felt a little isolated, glad to have a place where we can "talk". Also, cake. (You ran out didn't you? ...
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