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How To Kill Friends And Implicate People - Jay Stringer
How To Kill Friends And Implicate People
by: (author)
4.25 20
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781503939714 (1503939715)
ASIN: 1503939715
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Pages no: 404
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Irresponsible Reader
Irresponsible Reader rated it
4.5 Girl Meets Boy on a Crime Spree
I can’t pretend that everybody I’ve killed has been a bad egg. I can’t even say they all had it coming. But you want the real truth? We could all be said to have it coming. Write down the worst things you’ve ever done. Just the top ten. The silent little moments of guilt sitting at the back of your ...
Injoy's Blogs + Book Reviews
Injoy's Blogs + Book Reviews rated it
4.0 How To Kill Friends And Implicate People (Sam Ireland Mysteries #2) by Jay Stringer
How To Kill Friends And Implicate People (Sam Ireland Mysteries #2) by Jay Stringer is about Fergus Fletcher, a hitman and Sam Ireland, a part-time bike messenger and private investigator. It's a murderous love story with lots of twists and turns. I gave it four stars. The beginning was a bit of...
Escape from the ER
Escape from the ER rated it
4.5 "The first time you kill someone, you realize you don't need to suffer fools gladly." (the tao of Fergus)
Glasgow, present day. It may seem like a big city but turns out if you’re living a life that’s just slightly left of centre, you probably know someone who knows someone. In this case, it’s six degrees of hit man Fergus Fletcher. You see, Fergus was hired by professional fixer Joe Pepper to kill a ...
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