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Ilsa Madden-Mills - Community Reviews back

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She Thought What?!?! Rants, Raves, and In-Betweens
It was that good. I loved every British accented page of this. This is easily on my 2015 Best Fuckin Evers shelf. *ARC provided in exchange for my honest opinion.
honeyw rated it 9 years ago
What an amazing series!! You have GOT to read it!!
Cat's Books: Romance
Cat's Books: Romance rated it 10 years ago
I bought this collection because I love Penny Reid. I still love Penny Reid. Her short in this collects is a lot of nerdy woman/hot guy fun. It is not a complete story but lucky she is writing the novel now and we can get the rest of it soon. Woo hoo! I was hoping to find some other writers I woul...
La Mala *the mean girl*
La Mala *the mean girl* rated it 10 years ago
No se salva del machismo típico del New Adult: toooodas las minas se visten como "putas" y se caminan cual zombies atrás de los pasos de los hombres, y alguna que otra cosa más del estilo.Sin embargo, le pongo tres (o 2.5, no me decido todavía) porque fue muuuuy entretenido y logró una magnífica ten...
Caities Reviews
Caities Reviews rated it 10 years ago
I received a copy through netgalley. Very bad things is a really interesting book. Nora is a girl who is tired of being perfect and hiding some pretty big secrets. Leo is a man who lost his parents and refuses to let anyone in to hurt him like that again. Put them together and it can cause very bad ...
Tracey's Vampy and Racey Bookblog
Tracey's Vampy and Racey Bookblog rated it 10 years ago
I actually bought the anthology just to read this novella. I wanted to see Tony and Claire living happy. I got what I wanted :) - it couldn't all be plain sailing though, Aleatha had to add some angst in there!I can finally leave Claire who has become a stronger woman and Tony the possessive and ...
The Cheapest ROOM
The Cheapest ROOM rated it 10 years ago
The writing was great, but the whole "I can't love you because I'm too damaged" theme is getting a little old. It's similar to the first book of the series. It seemed also like a high school drama book.
The Cheapest ROOM
The Cheapest ROOM rated it 10 years ago
It would have been perfect if not for the feeling that I was reading a young adult novel with high school drama. I guess it was because of the heroine's age. Otherwise the book was great, I liked Nora and Leo (even though their romance was a bit dragged out).
hippieed perceptions
hippieed perceptions rated it 11 years ago
Good god, why do I keep torturing myself with teenagers behaving badly? I'm obviously setting myself up to turn into one of those helicopter parents who never let their kids out of a 2 inch radius. Except with teenagers. I'm totally going to start brushing up on my ninja-mom skills so I can rando...
Cocktails and Books
Cocktails and Books rated it 11 years ago
Very bad things indeed! I need a moment to catch my breathe. this was intense, but I loved it
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