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Ilsa Madden-Mills - Community Reviews back

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isamlq rated it 11 years ago
Very Bad Things. Oh well, I can tell you now, I was expecting more out of this. It all boils down too being same old-same old: her with some dark secret thing haunting her; him with some of that but being all strong AND pressing forward. Unless. Unless one considers how strong and in your face the g...
bafahl rated it 11 years ago
3.5. Loved the story, but the dialogue between Nora and Leo was contrived and too romance novely at the end.
Book Nerd Addicts
Book Nerd Addicts rated it 11 years ago
“Behind every beautiful thing is a world of pain.” - Nora Blakely Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills is a great lesson on how to not judge others with an amazing love story. Everything isn't always what it seems. People who may seem perfect from the outside are the most broken at times. Very Bad...
Books to Breathe
Books to Breathe rated it 11 years ago
I received this book in exchange for an honest review for Angie's Dreamy Reads.This book. Just. Wow. You read a synopsis thinking you know what you are about to get into, and within the first couple chapters you realize all your preconceived notions were absolutely wrong. I was utterly and completel...
Romance Junkie
Romance Junkie rated it 11 years ago
I'm conflicted on how to rate this one. After thinking about it more feels like 2.5 stars and going by how I felt and the Goodreads rating system I will round up to the 3 stars meaning:3 stars - it means 'it really was ok, not very good, but I don't want to say mostly bad, either'.This is one of the...
Poisoning with words
Poisoning with words rated it 11 years ago
Ella sólo quiere que la amen y él tiene miedo de amar.A pesar de venir de una familia rota y de tener un pasado horrible (desde las tres primeras páginas sabes que algo muy malo le sucedió), Nora decide no ser una víctima. Decide ser la dueña de su felicidad y darle un giro a su vida dejando atrás l...
Duchess Loves Books
Duchess Loves Books rated it 11 years ago
More like 2.5 stars...Okay, I'm going to start off by prevaricating....hehe...so's you guys (and the author) don't hate me. The most vast majority of my friends, and indeed, all of Goodreads, five starred this book. Not only that, but there was a nice mix of my friends who have extremely varying ta...
stephaniewitter71 rated it 11 years ago
From all the great things I read about this novel for the last couple of weeks, I knew I'd enjoy reading it. I didn't just enjoy it, but I freaking loved it! In this novel you'll find everything you're looking for in a book and some more, just like it happened to me. There are some swoon worthy scen...
inconceivably rated it 11 years ago
I'm waffling a little between 3 and 4 stars here...I really enjoyed most of the book, I might have even teared up a couple of times...but, ugh. I HATE super melodramatic declarations of love in public. Kinda blew the ending for me.
Barbarella rated it 55 years ago
"Bad decisions can make some damn good memories.""I NEVER met a girl I couldn't say GOODBYE to".... that is until Nora walked into my life.This is the story about 25 yr old gorgeous business owner, Leo and 19 yr old sweet, broken Nora. Leo doesn't do girlfriends, flowers, relationships EVER, he has ...
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