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Jojo Moyes - Community Reviews back

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debbiekrenzer rated it 7 years ago
This was my first book by Jojo Moyes, not without trying though. I tried hard to get the other two in this series, but, alas, it didn't happen. I did see the movie (I know, not really the full story). This book continues the story of Louisa and now she is taking on New York. I thoroughly enjoyed the...
Portable Magic
Portable Magic rated it 7 years ago
Et tu, Jojo? I've found books by Moyes to be light escapist romance-ish fiction, always good for lifting my spirits. So imagine my sense of betrayal to find that she's jumped on the First Person Present Tense bandwagon. Just say "no", Jojo. Please.
Karesens Bücherwelt
Karesens Bücherwelt rated it 7 years ago
Ich gestehe, ich hab es einfach getan. Karen hat das Klischee eines Frauenbuchs gelesen. Und es auch noch super gefunden (genau wie meine Oma, der ich das Buch übrigens verdanke)... Es tun sich menschliche Abgründe auf ;) "Ein ganz neues Leben" ist die Fortsetzung vom Erfolgsbuch "Ein ganzes halbes...
NiWa rated it 8 years ago
1946. Sechshundert australische Frauen treten eine Reise ins Ungewisse an. Quer über die halbe Welt werden sie auf einem ausrangierten Flugzeugträger von einem Kontinent auf den anderen gebracht. Denn in England warten nicht nur ihre Ehemänner sondern auch ein ganz neues Leben auf sie.Jojo Moyes gre...
DubaiReader rated it 8 years ago
This was my fifth novel by Jojo Moyes, sixth if you count novellas. I love her writing. Unfortunately I read this back in 2014 and I thought I'd just wait until I'd met her at our Literary Festival before writing my review. Then I started the review and the computer crashed - there's nothing more li...
Wśród marzeń
Wśród marzeń rated it 8 years ago
Wreszcie poznałam książkową wersję tej historii. Wcześniej widziałam film, który mnie urzekł i sprawił, że zapragnęłam przeczytać książkę. I nie żałuję ani minuty spędzonej przy lekturze. Chyba już każdy wie, o czym jest ta książka. Główna bohaterka, Lou, dostaje pracę jako opiekunka osoby niepełn...
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents rated it 8 years ago
This is a sweet story. There's a couple getting divorced, a young girl needing a home and an animal. You pretty much know how things are going to go, but you can't help getting your heart involved. Of course there are characters I didn't mention, and the girls devotion to the horse is an inspirat...
Sam's Reading: A Work in Progress
Sam's Reading: A Work in Progress rated it 8 years ago
Well, I'm truly conflicted on this one. While it was a good read, and I enjoyed the characters, and ok, I love Will a little bit, I was left feeling a bit off at the wrap up of it all.The scenes that wrapped the book were well written, but as I got closer, I realized that they weren't what I wanted ...
Watch - Eat - Read
Watch - Eat - Read rated it 8 years ago
i realised about a quarter of the way through that I had already read this some time ago. It was an easy and uneventful read (well except for all the little dramas I couldn't remember). Probably not my favourite by this author but I would try others as in general I do enjoy Jojo Moyes
She reads, she watches and sometimes she goes outside
i realised about a quarter of the way through that I had already read this some time ago. It was an easy and uneventful read (well except for all the little dramas I couldn't remember). Probably not my favourite by this author but I would try others as in general I do enjoy Jojo Moyes
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