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Memoirs of a Geisha - Community Reviews back

by Arthur Golden
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kyleInMotion rated it 13 years ago
This is one of my favorite books. The writing is just gorgeous. I actually bought a second copy today, just to have the original cover.
meganmorlok rated it 13 years ago
Absolutely a beautiful written tale. I saw the movie in 2005 but for some reason never read the novel. I had a friend recently mention to me that this was her favorite book and that the movie didn't capture the true nature of Sayuri's story. She was right and I'm so glad that I finally ready Memoirs...
Skinny Dipping Into Books
Skinny Dipping Into Books rated it 13 years ago
Enjoyed it, but it didn't live up to its hype. The beginning was delightful, with sweeping prose and a nice, exact, but boldly vast landscape of language. It essentially follows the life of a girl basically sold into practice to become a geisha. a geisha is basically a woman who outlines her life wi...
Crazy Avid reader
Crazy Avid reader rated it 13 years ago
It captivates you from the start. You would never know that this story was written by a man.
My Bookathone
My Bookathone rated it 13 years ago
Memoirs of a Geisha happens to be my first biography book. Its slow paced story made me feel like, sipping on a Starbucks coffee on a winter day. Each word has been defined to its core, which was like watching a well directed movie (though I watched the movie too, later!). The picturesque portraits ...
New Books and More
New Books and More rated it 13 years ago
It was great
Devlin Scott
Devlin Scott rated it 13 years ago
Quote:" We don't become geisha because we want our lives to be happy; we become geisha because we have no choice." I loved this book. By page 9, I loved this book for its style alone. The writing is quietly expressive; a gentle trip down a lazy stream but without being boring. This is the story o...
The Open Book
The Open Book rated it 13 years ago
This book had a very magical feel about it, I enjoyed it a lot. That being said, it's hard for an American male to truly capture the perspective of a Japanese female. It lost major points in way of respect for me as not all of it is accurate, and he was sued by the retired geisha who helped supply h...
sitiwajihah rated it 13 years ago
This gets a bad rating because even though I was quite engaged by the story, after I read what Arthur Golden did to write this book, how he totally rolled over a real geisha and twisted her words around... I felt really disgusted. Now I feel that way every time a white person exploit PoC to get enor...
Imagine That
Imagine That rated it 13 years ago
A beautiful, poingnant story that is so incredibly, lyrically captivating you are seduced from the very first word. An absolute work of art, each page overflows with beautiful, sensual, evocative images. Such is the skill and authority of Golden's writing, I feel as though I have spent hours, being ...
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