Salvage is a thrilling, surprising, and thought-provoking debut novel that will appeal to fans of Across the Universe, by Beth Revis, and The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. This is literary science fiction with a feminist twist, and it explores themes of choice, agency, rebellion, and...
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Salvage is a thrilling, surprising, and thought-provoking debut novel that will appeal to fans of Across the Universe, by Beth Revis, and The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. This is literary science fiction with a feminist twist, and it explores themes of choice, agency, rebellion, and family. Ava, a teenage girl living aboard the male-dominated, conservative deep space merchant ship Parastrata, faces betrayal, banishment, and death. Taking her fate into her own hands, she flees to the Gyre, a floating continent of garbage and scrap in the Pacific Ocean. This is a sweeping and harrowing novel about a girl who can't read or write or even withstand the forces of gravity. What choices will she make? How will she build a future on an earth ravaged by climate change? Named by the American Booksellers Association as a Spring 2014 Indies Introduce Pick.
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Format: ebook
9780062220165 (0062220160)
Publish date: April 1st 2014
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Pages no: 528
Edition language: English
Young Adult,
Science Fiction Fantasy,
Science Fiction,
Post Apocalyptic
While "Salvage" is elegantly written and thoughtful, the slow pacing over 500 pages makes it a novel hard to recommend for most teens. Those that are into speculative fiction heavy on world-building and social critique will glean worthwhile meaning from it, but they have to overcome a slow winding p...
Feminist FRIDAY en me puso al tanto sobre esta autora y su Slutshelf Giveaway y , aunque el YA no es mi estilo en lo mas minimo , creo que solo por ese post y esa defensa , le voy a comprar el libro .BRAVO.POR.ELLA. Tomense unos minutos para leer lo que tiene que decir (y si puede...
While Ava thinks that she is forced to decide either between life and death after being caught with someone who was not after all her intended, it seems that the fates are in favor of Ava choosing life, but not without sacrifices. Born as the daughter of the ship's captain, Ava knows nothing of life...
I’m not sure what drew me to this book, but I’m glad that I took a chance on it. It ended up being completely different from most of the space-faring adventures I have picked up in the past. This made it unique and appealing to someone like me, who only tends to read action packed science fiction wi...
I seriously loved this book!!!