Schlangenhaus Thriller
Format: paperback
9783442468058 (3442468051)
Publish date: 2010
Publisher: Goldmann
Pages no: 505
Edition language: Deutsch
European Literature,
British Literature,
Mystery Thriller,
Psychological Thriller
Again I enjoyed SJ (Or should I say Sharon?) Bolton's book. One of my friends recommended her first book, Sacrifice, to me and I really like that one. So it wasn't a big surprise I wanted to read this book as well. At the moment, her next thriller 'Blood Harvest' is on my to-read-shelf.The story is ...
This is the second of this author’s books I’ve read and her writing has made me a fan. I found her first book Sacrifice equally compelling and readable.This well paced thriller, set in small English village introduces us to a young, reclusive, veterinary surgeon who has been deeply scarred by an eve...
Bu yorumu Kitap Esintisi sayfasında bulabilirsiniz.Uzun zamandır çevrilmesini beklediğim bir yazardı S.J. Bolton. Eğer önceki kitabı Kurban'ı okuduysanız bu hevesimin nedenini anlayacaksınız. İlk kitabını bitirdiğimde polisiye yazarlarıma yeni birini ekledim diyerek kitabı bırakmıştım, çünkü şu "kal...
This book was creepy. The story was able to "suck me in" and keep me entertained until the end. There were some periods where it seemed to drag. That is why it didn't get 4 stars from me.
I'm always up for a decent thriller as long as the gore isn't too over-the-top, and chose S.J. Bolton's Awakening to mix in with the recent run on graphic novels and chick lit I seem to have been reading.::: The Plot :::Clara is a veterinarian who specializes in the odd sorts of animals you might co...