St. Frankenstein: an original screenplay
ST. FRANKENSTEIN, an original screenplay, is a contemporary return to the classic Gothic morality tale, now twisted with taboo-smashing blasphemy, otherworldly lust, and blood-chilling terror. In this blend of horror and psychodrama, Abbot Anton Frankenstein seeks to redeem his infamous family...
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ST. FRANKENSTEIN, an original screenplay, is a contemporary return to the classic Gothic morality tale, now twisted with taboo-smashing blasphemy, otherworldly lust, and blood-chilling terror. In this blend of horror and psychodrama, Abbot Anton Frankenstein seeks to redeem his infamous family name by converting Castle Frankenstein into an abbey to further the original Dr. Frankenstein’s ghastly experiments, this time toward a divine end – but again with unintended and even more terrifying results.
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