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Swamp Thing, Vol. 2: Love and Death - Alan Moore, Stephen R. Bissette, Shawn McManus, John Totleben
Swamp Thing, Vol. 2: Love and Death
by: (author) (author) (author) (author)
4.31 105
Created out of the swamp through a freak accident, Swamp Thing is an elemental creature who uses the forces of nature and the wisdom of the plant kingdom to fight the polluted world's self-destruction. Swamp Thing . . . the only one who can save mankind.
Created out of the swamp through a freak accident, Swamp Thing is an elemental creature who uses the forces of nature and the wisdom of the plant kingdom to fight the polluted world's self-destruction. Swamp Thing . . . the only one who can save mankind.
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780930289546 (0930289544)
Publisher: Vertigo
Pages no: 207
Edition language: English
Series: Swamp Thing Vol. II (#2)
Community Reviews
Sesana rated it
I liked the first volume of Moore's Swamp Thing, but wow. This was something else again. The large storyline that takes up most of the volume is fantastic, eerie, and perfectly ties up nearly every loose end that I saw from the previous volume. One issue is a tribute to Pogo, and once I warmed up to...
sixthreezy readsies
sixthreezy readsies rated it
5.0 Swamp Thing Vol. 2: Love and Death
WOW. How do I give 6-stars? Even with one crappy issue in the midst of this amazing volume of comics, I am absolutely in awe with how beautiful a comic can be artistically and verbally. No wonder Moore's Swamp Thing is comics run of legend.
Tower of Iron Will
Tower of Iron Will rated it
Swamp Thing goes to Hell and Alan Moore gives us an Inferno for the DC universe. I am not a horror fan so I didn't care for this story on the first read, but in retrospect it is really impressive. The Pogo tribute chapter is an odd little masterpiece.
Dave Green's Read Alerts
Dave Green's Read Alerts rated it
"Murder? Don't talk to me about murder! I invented murder!" - CainAlan Moore's brilliant reinvention of the Swamp Thing mythos continues, this time where much of the focus is on Swamp Thing's arch-enemy, Dr. Anton Arcane. In the past, Arcane had been little more than a second-rate Lex Luthor clon...
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