One project to rule them all (?)
"The project, which is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), concerns the digitization, web-based presentation and cataloguing of nineteen art and satire magazines dating from the 19th to the early part of the 20th century. The aim of this undertaking is not only to allow unhindered digital access to important historical source material, but also the detailed cataloguing of both pictures and text. The collection is completed by further art magazines, which have been digitized beyond the project funds of Heidelberg University Library."
This Project excites me, to read and see through a different perspective, to see beyond censorship, to learn about the artists of those times!!!
Digitalización de revistas satíricas por parte de la Universidad de Heidelberg
Simplemente leer y ver desde la perspectiva de aquellos artistas que incluso le dieron nombre en alemán al art nouveau: "Jugendstil".
Impresionante obra escaneada y con la licencia de creative commons para gozarla ;)