So...2020 was an absolute shitshow and we all know I did not finish my reading goal. I'm not even angry or disappointed. I'm proud that I made it through that dumpsterfire of a year in once piece and (partially) sane!
For 2021 it's more of the same, 52 books which breaks down to one book per week. As always, I make no promises to myself or anyone else; however, my goal is to get myself together. Last year was a disaster in just about every way possible. I allowed myself become so out of sorts and-- it was a mess; seriously not pretty. So it's back on track with journaling, organizing and scheduling. So I have hope that I will actually get to 52 (and beyond) this year.

Still attempting to finish the books I started in previous years:
- Twice Bitten
- Werewolves and Shape Shifters
- The Silmarillion
- Boys Will Be Boys
- Shattered Hourglass
- Legacy of the Jedi
- Young Bucks: Killing the Business from Backyards to the Big Leagues
- Dread Nation
- Deathless Divide (Dread Nation, Book 2)

The Series Project continues:
The Chequey Files
1 Stiletto
Day By Day: Armageddon
2 Shattered Hourglass
3 Grey Fox
4 Ghost Run
Inheritance Series
5 Brisingr
6 Inheritance
*Star Wars

Tentative TBR
- The Princess Bride
- The Hate U Give
- Army of Darkness, Omnibus 2
- NOS4A2
- Six of Crows
- Black Hole Sun
- The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
- Smoke & Mirrors
- The Martian
- You're Never Weird on the Internet
- The Legends of River Song
- The Misadventures of an Awkward Black Girl
- The Gospel of Loki
- White Fragility
- Zoey Punches the Future on the Dick
Good luck to us all!