I'll be reading a story a day from this collection, and giving each tale a short review as I go along.
7/6/2014 "Blood", by Roddy Doyle - Three stars. Very short vamp-or-something-like-a-vamp kinda story. The writing is super quick and easy to read. I dig this author's voice and style. Will be looking up more from him.
7/7/2014 "Fossil-Figures", by Joyce Carol Oates - One star. Quite possibly the worst short story I've ever read. Boring, meandering, pointless, poorly-written, unedited... the list goes on. I expected far more from an anthology put together by the likes of Neil Gaiman and Al Sarrantonio. Huge disappointment. Almost stopped reading this collection because of this garbage story.
7/8/2014 "Wildfire in Manhattan", by Joanne Harris - Four stars. This story is big fun. A bit of urban fantasy (which I don't normally like) that held my interest, even though I was rather tired when I started reading it. I loved the magic and the mythos, and wouldn't mind reading an entire book about these characters.
7/9/2014 "The Truth is A Cave in the Mountains", by Neil Gaiman - Five stars. This is probably one of my top five Neil Gaiman shorts now. I didn't expect the twist, wasn't expecting a twist at all, and Gaiman nailed it. The story is whimsical and simply written, as most of Gaiman's shorts are. I found myself whisked away into this nameless, ageless past, and this story of a dwarf and his journey. Gaiman's outing is worth the price of this collection by its lonesome.
7/10/2014 "Unbelief", by Michael Marshall Smith - Five stars. Even though this story is shorter than all the rest, it is the most powerful outing yet. Smith was able to elicit a wide range of emotions from me, and that's impressive, given this tale is less than ten pages long. Currently my favorite piece from this collection, and also the most subtle of the lot.
7/11/2014 "The Stars Are Falling", by Joe R. Lansdale - Five stars. This story belongs in the Stephen King collection FULL DARK, NO STARS. It's well-written, unsettling, and unforgiving. While I did feel deeply for the main character, Deel, I'm glad it ended the way it did. A strong outing from horror's red-headed stepchild.
7/12/2014 "Juvenal Nyx", by Walter Mosley - Two stars. This story bored me to sleep four times. I'm guessing it's an original story for a character who's a mix between Blade and Sandman Slim. Whatever, whoever, I just can't be bothered to give a shit. This story's packed full of shit I hate. Vampires, Inst-Love, horrible dialogue, stilted action sequences. Overall just a really shitty story.
7/13/2014 "The Knife", by Richard Adams - Two stars. Not much to say about this bit of flash fiction. Took him about three minutes to read. It was only three pages long (well, two and a half, at any rate). Funny thing is, it reminded me quite a bit of Evans Light's "Cry Baby". Overall, "The Knife" didn't leave much of an impression on me. Just kinda... meh.
7/14/2014 "Weights and Measures", by Jodi Picoult -
Taking a break from this collection. I have some ARCs to catch up on.
To be continued...