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review SPOILER ALERT! 2015-12-26 08:42
No, no y no.
Hombres desnudos - Alicia Giménez Bartlett

Un nuevo premio Planeta, y una nueva decepción. Vamos a ver, el libro está muy bien hasta el desenlace final. Me pregunto: ¿al final, por qué un chico tan majete, que podría ser el nieto de cualquier abuela,la mata? De tantos finales que le podía haber puesto la autora al libro, opta por el fácil: la mata. Y punto. Como si se le acabara el plazo de entrega del concurso y tuviera que finiquitar el libro. Pues no. Así, no. Decepción.

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review 2014-01-26 09:53
Dog Day
Dog Day - Alicia Giménez Bartlett,Nicholas Caistor

Original title: Día de perros


When I first came across this book, I thought: Spanish detective, that's new for me. I can't really say I'm a big dog lover, but I was interested because it was Spanish.


I liked the Spanish influences, it's different from a Scandinavian, British or American detective. Different is interesting, as I think not enough Southern European authors are being translated.


This book wasn't completely working for me though. As a detective I thought it was a bit disappointing, but I liked the main characters.

I recently learned that this is actually the second book in the Petra Delicado series, but I've never heard anything about a Dutch translation of the first novel. I always think it's such a shame if publishers don't start with the first book.


Note: I read a Dutch translation of this book.

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