There was a million dollar bounty on a 19 year old girl named Marion being advertised on the Darknet. The ad also said she had ti die by November first which gave a month’s time to kill her. Assassins were gear up to find and kill her. Marian woke up in the hospital and the only thing she knew was her name and she was awake. Marian did not understand the English being spoken to her and replied in French. Marian did also know she needed to find Seth Walker . Now she was talking To Dr. Lucas Flynn When Marion and Dr. Flynn’s fingers touched she could suddenly understand and speak English. After Lucas ran tests he determined it showed Marion was half angel half witch she was a gray mage which was rare. Then some assassins show up at the hospital and Lucas saves Marion's life.
I don’t usually like stories with fairies in it all that much But i really Liked this one. What is there not to like : assassins, unseelies, seelies, spies, werewolves, angels, witches, memory loss, jealousy, threats, lust, orgies, travel to different worlds within the earth, magic, and so much more. I really liked Marion’s character maybe not the one that is talked of before her memory loss but I did with the Marion of this story and all the twists and turns she went through was totally awesome. I Liked Lucas also. I highly recommend.
I received an ARC of this story for an honest review.