For me, this story didn't really start for me until almost 40%. This is one of those books that you have to keep reading to get the whole thing. Once the pieces fall in place, it is captivating and rich in literature. There were a couple of moments that I wanted to quit. I couldnt figure out where the story was taking me. It was in so many places, with so many people, it got hard to keep up. I never read a book so slowly, and reread lines so many times in my life. I was absorbing it all. Every word. As I finish the book, I am so happy I stuck with it. You really have no idea what a literal genius someone is till the end. You finish that last page and say holy crap! Daniel is on a mission throughout this story. All the while what he is looking for is right before his eyes. You don't see it either though, that is what's so incredible. I definitely had so many emotions once this book came together. My heart was in turmoil. for Daniel and for Julian. A pretty epic read, have to admit. I definitely want more from this author.