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review 2020-04-24 17:12
Claws of Justice (Mint Chocolate Chip Mysteries # 1) by: Emmie Lyn
Claws of Justice (Mint Chocolate Chip Mysteries # 1) - Emmie Lyn




If suspense has a sense of humor, Lyn will be sure to find it. Claws of Justice dares to be unique. Cute and cuddly finds a way to be an intriguing puzzle. Sunny Shaw doesn't look for trouble it finds her. From adorable kittens to a surprise mystery and an unwanted admirer, life is idling at complicated for her? It couldn't possibly get any worse. Or have I spoke too soon? Lyn uses two of my love of all things furry and a thirst for a good mystery,, to play mind games with my heart. Claws of Justice proves that danger can masquerade as a cuddly addiction.

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review 2019-07-11 21:53
In the Claws of the Tiger, War-Torn #3 by James Wyatt
In the Claws of the Tiger - James Wyatt

Janik Martell has lived a quiet life the last three years, publishing papers based on his discovery of the important ancient city of Mel Aqat, while doing his best to forget what happened there and the betrayal of his wife. An urgent letter from an old comrade, an intriguing prophecy from the young Keeper of the Silver Flame herself, and a chance at revenge motivate him to return to Xen'drik.


This is another great installment to the series, which makes sense as James Wyatt was one of the author's of the 'Eberron Campaign Setting' and key supplements 'Sharn: City of Towers' and 'Five Nations' as well as others. He wasn't going to mess up any details or fail to take advantage of key elements of the setting.


Janik Martell is an Indiana Jones type of scholar, muscling through the jungles of Xen'drik with the same ease that he translates ancient tablets and argues the influence of the serpent cults on modern religion. It's all in a day's work. His friends Mathas Allister, an old elf wizard, and Dania ir'Vran, a fighter recently called to be a paladin of the Silver Flame, filled archetypal roles as well, but expanded well beyond it. They had shared jokes and a history that made the adventure more entertaining. A fourth member of their party is the dwarven artificer Auftane Khunnam who is recruited to replace the role that Janik's wife Maija.


This is Eberron so there were airships, intrigue, hidden motives, and untrustworthy allies. The race to beat the Order of the Emerald Claw to Mel Aqat and the greater battle that awaited there was not only fun, but journeying is the best time to let characters open up about their pasts and let the reader into their interior lives. 'In the the Claws of the Tiger', like 'Orb of Xoriat', rises above its status as a promotional tie-in.


The War-Torn


Next: 'Blood and Honor'


Previous: 'The Orb of Xoriat'

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review 2018-11-27 12:13
Great Story and Characters
Marriage Claws - Paige Cuccaro

Kate felt she was close to a panic attack and it was jack Pensione’s. He was known as the Prince of Wall Street. He was trying to to lock the door of Kate’s diner for good. The arrogant business mongrel only arrived a few minutes ago and already Kate couldn’t think straight. Kate thought dear God why does he have to keep coming around pestering her. There is nothing on earth that would convince Kate to give up on her diner. She had owned The Sweet Spot diner for five years now. . Even with her lease coming up due. Jack wanted her to come up with three million dollars to but the space or close down her shop and vacate the spot. Jack was the most eligible bachelor in NYC. Than Marbella said Jack had his eye on her. The he watches Kate, the way he stares when you walk away. You'd think the man  suspected you of smuggled gold in the backside of your slacks. Jack’s father told him to get married and than he could take over the company. Otherwise he wanted the diner shut down. Kate had been taking care of her younger brother George since she had graduated from HS at seventeen. That was when their father decided his responsibility to his kids had been fulfilled. And he could “finally live his life.” Kate was only four years older than George but felt more like his mother, the only mother he had ever known. Than jack was in the diner and asking Kate if she would marry him that would make him CEO and he would save her diner for her. Jack said it would be strictly business he didn’t want to marry someone he had a romantic relationship with. When Jack took her hand electricity shot up her arm and she knew he felt it too.  That had to be understood from the start that romance would be out of the question. Kate had to move in with jack to make it appear real. Than jack told he was a werewolf and told her about them.

I loved the book. It was a great paranormal read. I loved Jack and Kate together and how they interacted. I also loved how Jack wanted to change some of the protocols of the pack. I loved the different take on how a human is turned and than connected to each member of the pack. I loved the plot and pace. I found nothing to criticize in this book. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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review 2018-11-14 16:06
Claws of Death
Claws of Death - Linda Reilly

Deanna Daltry grew up in Whisker Jog, New Hampshire, before she became a famous actress. Now that she's older she wants to return home and does so by buying the stone mansion off Cemetery Hill. She has also just adopted two kittens from the High Cliff Shelter for Cats. However not everyone is a fan of the fading star. After being the target of some nasty pranks, Deanna finds herself the prime suspect in a murder investigation when a body is found on her property. Lara is on the hunt for another killer, with the help of a certain blue-eyed ragdoll.

I love the cover. I love cats, I love all animals. I love that Lara and aunt Fran run a shelter, along with their new employee Kayla, that provides the care and love the cats deserve until they can find their perfect home. But these people have their quirks and after reading book three then book one these quirks got on my nerves - the crying!! These people, all of them in the book!, are always crying!! And the abbreviated words got on my nerves. And Lara's childishness when it came to her relationship.. "we had a great night last night but when he text me today he didn't put a smiley face, which can only mean he doesn't like me anymore and wants to break up" Ugh. Otherwise it's another good book in the Cat Lady Mysteries. The mystery itself is well done. I look forward to a break from the people, I'll miss the cats, but I'll keep my eyes open for book four.

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review 2018-11-14 16:05
Escape Claws
Escape Claws - Linda Reilly

Lara Caphart has returned to her hometown of Whisker Jog, New Hampshire, for the first time in sixteen years. Her estranged aunt Fran is having trouble looking after herself with two bad knees. Lara also gets to help out with her aunt's eleven cats. Lara loves her aunt and the cats, but what she doesn't love is someone trying to bully her aunt into selling her land. When Lara spots a ragdoll cat that she believes is the reincarnation of her childhood pet, Blue, she follows her to the edge of Fran's yard only to stumble upon the body of the town bully. Lara is determined to get herself and aunt Fran off the suspect list.. with the help of Blue, of course.

I read book three first and needed more. I inhaled this book. It's easy to get lost in. I love the cover. I have cats and would take in every cat that needed a home, in fact I would love to give every animal in the world a good home but now I'm getting off track.. it's refreshing to have people who want to help and love these little cuties and it just makes me so happy! I do find it annoying that these characters cry all the time and the abbreviated words kind of got on my nerves as well but even so, this book was still great. The mystery was clever and well done. And it was fun to learn how the High Cliff Shelter for Cats came to be. On to book two!

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