Two fishermen are found dead on the Island of Pallestrina and Brunetti tries to investigate as much as he can in a town where people just do not talk to strangers. And anyone who wasn't born there is considered a stranger. But Signorina Elettra happens to have family there and she usually spends her summers on the island, so she decides (against Brunetti's advice) to go there immediately to try to gather information without revealing that she currently works for the police. So what happens where you know the killer is on that island? Is signorina Elettra in danger? And, is Brunetti having romantic feelings towards her or is he just worried for her safety?
One of the reasons I love this series is because it's not action packed and it's all a little more realistic because of that (except Paula's amazing ability to have a big job and still have everything perfect at home). Well, this one is an exception. The end had me tense and worried and I loved how different it was. For the first time we see things from signorina Elettra's point of view and it turns out she is a great leading character. It was also great to finally address the issue of defining Brunetti's feelings about her.
4.5 stars!
I'm also counting this one for the Cruisin' Thru the Cozies Reading Challenge 2014