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photo 2014-03-23 17:24

What did I do with my weekend? Finished my Katniss vest, of course! Hand crocheted and knitted by me! Don't be jealous. ;)

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photo 2013-11-10 22:02
Short hair. I haven't had short hair in 5 years.

I have had a crappy weekend. Even though I went and got my hair cut, which I needed so bad, I've had Etsy order problems, money problems and general feeling-bad problems. I didn't even want to get out of bed today. Sundays are my cleaning day, so I forced myself up to do the laundry. And then I cleaned my linen closet and threw out ancient bed sheets that had changed color from age. (Yuck.) At least I got all my knitting orders finished, got Ryder's coat done and trimmed out, and have started on some of my own projects. But I'm broke as a joke, tired and really fried.


Somebody tell me something funny. I really need some laughs.


EDIT: Now our PS3 has bit the dust too. When it rains it pours.

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photo 2013-11-10 02:31
My grey Ryder sporting his new crochet coat I just finished. He will finally be warm and toasty on his walks.
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