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review 2017-04-08 17:40
Kevlar To My Vest (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC, #3) by Lani Lynn Vale Review
Kevlar To My Vest (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC) (Volume 3) - Lani Lynn Vale

You’re the Kevlar…

Behind the badge and the pretty face was a heart. A heart that bled just like the rest. A heart that was so in love with Viddy Sheffield that it was humiliating. Trance had been burned before by a woman that couldn’t handle the fact that he risked his life each and every time he went on shift. She was too vulnerable; somehow he had to convince his heart to let her go. His life would chew her up and spit her out.

To My…

Viddy couldn’t get the man out of her head. Just the thought of Trance put a smile on her face. And when he walked into the same room? Words couldn’t explain. God help her, but she was even in a relationship with another man. She shouldn’t be thinking about the sexy biker with the voice that made shivers dance down her spine.


Then the unthinkable happens, and the sexy cop she can’t stop thinking about is there for her, giving her what she never knew she needed. One moment in time, and she finds herself falling for the man, lock, stock, and barrel. The two of them have a lot of work to do to make this relationship succeed. What they didn't know, however, was that there were people behind the scenes that were working to keep them apart. Sometimes the saying is true. You can’t always have what you want.






There is lots to like about this book: the dogs, the sisters bickering, the hero.

The romance felt so good as a secondary romance in the last book in the series.


But Viddy does a lot of things it is hard for me to swallow for such a bright woman. The book doesn't give me enough time to reconcile those things.


Oh spoiler. Viddy changes in a way that I think is a cop out even though it takes place mainly in the epilogue.


So, I was disappointed.

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photo 2015-11-19 01:50
The Mask Omnibus (Volume 1) - John Arcudi,Doug Mahnke,Greg Vest,Michael Eury,Mike Richardson
A girls' gotta do what a girl's gotta do
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photo 2014-03-23 17:24

What did I do with my weekend? Finished my Katniss vest, of course! Hand crocheted and knitted by me! Don't be jealous. ;)

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review 2012-11-16 00:00
Despre bucurie în Est și în Vest și alte eseuri
Despre bucurie în Est și în Vest și alte... Despre bucurie în Est și în Vest și alte eseuri - Andrei Pleșu Din nou, Andrei Plesu ne incanta cu o carte scrisa cu inima deschisa spre noi, cititorii. Nu este nimic mai frumos in literatura decat atunci cand simti ca un autor are o adevarata iubire fata de lume, si incearca sa schimbe idei preconcepute si sa ajute dezvoltarea lina a mentalitatii romanesti.

Andrei Plesu trebuie privit ca un profesor pe piedestal, care totusi trece din cand in cand, calm, ce-i drept, printre randurile de banci ale elevilor lui. Scriitura lui (sau, in cazul acestei carti, conferintele) este adanca, introspectiva, foarte puternic axata pe detaliere si pe intelegere profunda a fiecarui subiect studiat. Convorbirea lui, un monolog de o inteligenta remarcabila, este energizanta, complexa, fluida, completa.

Imi plac foarte mult cartile lui. Plasticitatea limbajului lui este rara, foarte rara, in special in Romania. Sunt mandra ca avem asemenea oameni care sa revigoreze cultura romaneasca.
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