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review 2015-08-03 00:00
Devil's Bride: Number 1 in series (Bar Cynster)
Devil's Bride: Number 1 in series (Bar Cynster) - Stephanie Laurens I like both characters and how they interact, she's strong enough to stand up to him and it was entertaining.
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review 2014-01-14 02:41
Read this in HS and now I don't know why....
Devil's Bride - Stephanie Laurens

I really do not know what caused me to read my first romance and a Historical (Bodice Ripper) to begin with but I did.  There have been many of romances books on my shelf ever since then and there will be many more in the years to come because as a friend of mine from work likes to tell me they are the cocaine of all books.  Once you start reading romance you just can't stop unless you just really do not like the happy love stories that romance brings your way, but enough about why I first read this book and more about my thoughts this most recent time of reading this book.


So Sylvester "Devil" Cynster best known to his family as That Devil Cynster is the 6th Duke of St. Ives.  When he comes across Honoria Prudence Anstruther-Wetherby who is helping his recently shot cousin he knows that she is meant to be his.  When Devil tells Honoria that she is to marry him she flat out refuses as she has no ambition to marry at all, her only goal is to travel to Egypt and ride camel back under the shadow of the Sphinx, something that Devil and her brother Micheal have come to agreement she shall not be doing.  So to keep her occupied Micheal gets her to agree to stay with the Dowager Duchess through out her mourning period.  Which works well for Honoria as he plans to use that time to find out who killed Tolly, Devils cousin, and why.  


The best part about this book is the butting of heads between Devil and Honoria since he wants to keep her perfectly safe and she wants to have an adventure and solving the murder with our without the help of Devil is exactly what she plans to do. The sexy level of this book is also pretty strong which makes me want to know what I was thinking reading this book in high school at the age of 18.  Now of course I think the eyes have been fully open to all things sex and not much surprises me until you think about the age at which you first read one of these books and you think "What was I thinking?".


Overall I like this book, the question of who the killer was and why were not an overall the basis of the book but Stephanie Laurens does not leave you completely guessing as she does keep giving you clues every so often.




Source: thebookishdiaries.blogspot.com/2014/01/DevilsBride.html
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review 2013-06-30 00:00
In Pursuit of Miss Eliza Cynster (The Cynster Sisters Trilogy #2) - Stephanie Laurens ★★★☆☆ (This is a review of the audiobook.) Ugh. Maybe I read this too soon after the first one of The Cynster Sisters Trilogy, but I didn’t enjoy Eliza and Jeremy’s story as much. Way too repetitious. Same narrator as the first one, Matthew Brenher, whom I loved. Nevertheless, this time around even he sounds bored. Poor sod.

In the first one the mysterious laird was interesting and intriguing. Now he’s just TSTL and with too much internal dialogue which proves him TSTL, as he wasn’t considering the things he should. In the first one, his following Heather (to make sure she was all right) made sense; he really didn’t know who took her from the inn. In this one... not so much! He knows Eliza was rescued. The only thread to her safety is HIM! Duh! Well, him and Scropes -- who wouldn’t be following Eliza & Jeremy if the laird hadn’t shown him the way. That, and the fact that Scropes is whack-a-doodle. Maybe the laird should set him up with his mother?

Speaking of the mysterious laird’s mother, if the author mentions one more time about her obsession -- with no hint as to why she, too, is whack-a-doodle with revenge -- I’m going to write her an “Excuse me, I got it. You’re not going to tell us until Book #3. Roger that...” letter.

I also think another kidnapping was a mistake because Scropes is too sinister. I didn’t like how he attacked Eliza to get her to take the laudanum. This makes the laird’s plans more sinister, and I really didn't want to go there. It makes the laird TSTL to not realize he is putting any young lady at risk and at the mercy of whichever evil kidnapper he hires. I mean, in a court of law, if any thing happened to Eliza, he'd be held more accountable than Scropes, it doesn’t matter his “intent to take good care of her.” This just accents this even more.

In addition, I think it was a BIG mistake to have Eliza taken from Heather’s engagement ball right off of Cynster property. There is NO way, given what we know of the Cynsters thus far, that they wouldn’t be armed to the gills. Totally ruins the mystic of the powerful, intelligent, dangerous Cynsters. I was with Susan, a member of our “buddy read.” I was totally expecting Devil to find Eliza and save her. Sure, she gets a note and follows it, but considering there is a kidnapper looking specifically for a young Cynster female? Just makes her TSTL, too.

I love a good “road trip,” but this one was too much of “if we go this way, then X, if we go that way, then Y.” I mean a lot of it.

Still, some tender interaction between a sweet heroine and a beta hero.

TSTL = Too Stupid To Live
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review 2013-06-30 00:00
A Rake's Vow - Stephanie Laurens This is more a 3.5 rating for me but I will round it up to 4 since GR doesn't have half-stars.

I liked this book but I didn't love it as much as I loved Devil's Bride. Patience got on my nerves a few times-she was too much in her head and I just wanted her to TALK to Vane. The mystery was cool-it felt like Clue at times which is one of my fave movies ever (without all the crazy humor though! LOL). At times Patience could be kinda snobby but I think that was her more protecting herself than anything else. If you read this and the middle starts to drag just trust me and stick with it. The talk that Minnie and Vane have is great and I loved seeing Devil and Honoria, and the baby for that matter. Actually it was great to see all the Cynsters! Can't wait to read Scandal's story next!
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review 2013-06-27 00:00
In Pursuit of Miss Eliza Cynster (The Cynster Sisters Trilogy #2) - Stephanie Laurens 3.5 stars

I loved the romance ,it was one of the best in the series. the hero was unique , none of that "can't confess my love" stuff .
But the action and plot weren't good. The first half was identical to the previous book and the second half was boring and tedious and there were so many characters from other SL books in it ,it was confusing.
Overall ,a very good book .
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