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photo 2021-02-02 08:51
Black Hat Techniques That Could Hurt Your SEO

Black hat and white hat are the two most recognized ways of conducting SEO. If you utilize “black hat” techniques, your practices are unethical. Your website and possible income may face a penalty for it. Keep in mind, too, that search engines have developed a host of sophisticated algorithms to detect black hat SEO. Black hat search engine optimization can include stuffing your content with keywords, writing invisible text, using unrelated keywords. Off-screen links use text with zero font sizes that are hidden behind images. So avoid using off-screen links. Search engines still take them into consideration, and they become part of the website’s ranking factor. When hiring a local SEO company in St Petersburg, FL to handle your website design in-house, be aware that people can and do take shortcuts. 

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photo 2020-07-13 09:47
Nursing Bra and Tops - Lovemere

Find the best nursing bra and tops that make breastfeeding just a little bit easier on the go or at home when you shop at Lovemère. Our aim to make stylish maternity and nursing wear that is comfortable and flattering on both the pregnant and postpartum body. 

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photo 2020-06-06 06:18
Maternity Wear Tops – Online Maternity Store Singapore – Lovemere

Lovemere is Singapore’s most loved & trusted maternity wear brand. We offer a wide range maternity wear tops, dresses, nursing bras, panties etc online for women. Our maternity wear features easy-to-wear dresses and a variety of smart and stylish accessories to style up your ensemble.


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photo 2020-06-02 12:22
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photo 2020-04-02 22:45

I had one of my best reading months in March. I think it had a lot to do with not selecting heavy historical fiction books and choosing lighter reads. I always request my favorite genre and then get bogged down with 5-6 heavy WWII and Slavery books that take a toll on me mentally. I'm not complaining because I like what I like. I'm just saying that I need to learn balance. 


A wonderful St. Martin's publicist reached out to me to read Butterfly 2 (that will be released in June) by the beast writer Ashley Antoinette. I had requested the first book Butterfly, but hadn't read it. Knowing myself I decided to stop everything and start Butterfly. Well, that was the beginning of a reading frenzy. Butterfly is the spinoff of the Ethic Series which consist of 6 books. Not only that, but it really all begins with the book Moth to a Flame. I feverishly read Butterfly 1 and 2 and then continued on to MTAF. I'm starting Ethic 1 today. Ashley has proven over the years that writing is her calling and we readers are happy she answered it. These are Street Fiction and are about that life. Most have heavy explicit sex scenes. I must admit that sometimes I'm bothered by that if not noted. However, I find that it comes with these types of books and Ashley delivers even in this. It's steamy!


One of my new favorite regency romance authors is Darcy Burke. I can't get enough of her books. I was introduced to her through Erica Ridley. They co-wrote the Wicked Dukes Club. If you enjoy regency romance I would enthusiastically recommend both authors works. I enjoyed A Duke is Never Enough and can't wait to read another one of her backlist while I wait for her next release. It won't be long because both authors crank out stories like no other.


Eric Jerome Dickey's books, that I've read, have been hit or miss. His new release The Business of Lovers didn't disappoint. It was a solid story. What I didn't enjoy was his graphic sex scenes. They were written with a male perspective, in my opinion. I can now see a glimpse of why he is so beloved by many. I'm all about the story. You can be a good writer and have a bad story. I get that. Also, you can rush a story and not develop it to its potential. I'm enthused to say that's not the case here.


I requested and was approved on Edelweiss for a digital copy of Glass Town by Isabel Greenberg. I tried to view it on my kindle fire 8, but the words were so small and could not be enlarged that I decide to just purchase a copy from Book depository. I knew that I would want a copy for my shelves. The book is absolutely stunning. It is well crafted and the pages are very thick. The story was good. Was I wowed by it? No, I wasn't, but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate what Isabel has done. It is a story I will read over and over and share with the littles in my life.


The Fifth Avenue Story Society by Rachel Hauk was an unforgettable read. You get so immersed in the characters. The character development was everything. When the story ended I was kind of left hanging. I wanted more. I haven't read many books by this author, but have seen others sing her high praises. I own more than a couple of her backlist books and will be picking them up before years end. Books about books are most book lovers favorites to read and I wouldn't miss this one if you enjoy them.


*I'm losing steam friends. I will continue with the last 2 books.


Saving Savannah by Tonya Bolden was a quick read. I did enjoy it. It is historical fiction set in the 1900's at the time of the Red Summer and the fight for the right to vote for women. The book itself is stunning. I will be picking up a copy for my shelves. I listened to the audio of the book on Hoopla. Hoopla is awesome! The narrator did a great job.


The final book to discuss is The Other Mrs. by Mary Kubica. Wowzers! This book had all the twist and turns. I thought I knew what was happening, but found out about 2/3 in that I had no clue and was way off. I commend Kubica for her page-turner suspense abilities. She is another author that has been on my radar, but haven't read. I've been missing out. Friends pick this one up. I'm telling you it is one not to be missed!


I'm excited for April and hope I have another awesome month of great reads...
















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