Handwritten draft of 1893 mystery to be sold at literature auction in US along with other works by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
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The detective’s latest reboot is based on the BBC series starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the pipe-puffing protagonist and Martin Freeman as his sidekick Watson.
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Sherlock Holmes is not a sociopath. He is not even a "high-functioning sociopath," as the otherwise truly excellent BBC Sherlock has styled him. First of all, psychopaths and sociopaths are the exact same thing. There is no difference. And second of all, no actual psychopath-or sociopath, if you (or Holmes) will-would ever admit to his psychopathy.
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The century-old detective stories are being studied by today’s neurologists – but why? As it turns out, not even modern technology can replace their lessons in rational thinking.
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