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review 2019-12-09 23:22
The Enforcer - Abigail Owen

So earlier this year I was lucky enough to get an arc of the first book in the Inferno Rising series, The Rogue King by Abigail Owen. I was over the moon for this rich world of dragon shifters and the building dragonian political uprising all alongside a good slow-burn (pun definitely intended) romance. I was so excited to see another dragon book from Abigail Owen coming that I automatically requested it. In my haste I didn't realize this was actually the third book in her Fire's Edge series. I'm relieved to say that I had no trouble following along as this book actually appears to tie in with the Inferno Rising series and on the flip side could be read as a standalone novel. Although I highly recommend checking the other books out, I know I certainly intend on devouring the rest of the Fire's Edge books now.



This is such a vast interesting world. I loved getting a peek at another faction of it here. The brooding moody Drake and the strong spitfire Cami were great leading characters. The thing I really like about all of these books I've read thus far is that even the secondary characters are crucial to the plot and they are equally as entertaining! *Rune and Lyndi I'm looking at you specifically* I'm consistently left wanting to get to know them more. Give me books for all them please! I can't wait to read the Fire's Edge books that preceded this one! I'm officially a fan.



I received an ARC of this book from Entangled Publishing via Netgalley and this is my honest review.

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review 2019-08-19 14:38
ARC REVIEW Search and Destroy by Julie Rowe

Search and DestroyOutbreak Task Force #4, I love this series! So far all the books can be read as a standalone this book picks up right after the events of book three and even though I have read it it took me part of chapter one to reacquaint myself with the characters and the situation but then again I saw this arc up for grabs and I grabbed it didn't read the blurb or anything it was book four I had to have it so I went into this completely blind as to who the main characters were going to be. There is an overall story arc that links all the books together but each book is independent from the others. There is quite a bit of mention of the events in the last books but I don't think enough to get the reader lost.

The main characters of this one, head of the Outbreak Task Force Dr. Carmen Rodriguez and the Homeland Security liaison John Dozer. The benefit of reading the previous books is that you can tell there is something between the two of them but it never lets on to what it is, the way the acted in situations you could tell they cared about each other. Carmen was a wunderkind she finished medical school at 19 after that is when she first met John Dozer in Afghanistan. For Dozer it was instantaneous; the attraction, the respect he knew without a doubt this brilliant beautiful woman was for him but after their life and death situation she just walked away and he didn't see her again until the formation of the Outbreak Task Force.   

Due the the events of the last book Dozer is on medical leave but due to an outbreak of the measles in Florida that the terrorist group FAFO is behind he's not leaving Carmen without protection, especially since the FAFO has targeted them specifically. The FAFO is now doing more than just infecting people they have attempted to bomb one of the hospitals and and airplane causing even more widespread panic it's scary enough that this weaponized strain of the measles is spreading quickly across the US. Carmen and Dozer have a lot on their plates with the outbreak, a mole, and dodging would-be-assassins but they also manage to deal with their past and what went wrong and fall in love all over again.

Overall, this was intense. Reading this series always makes me want to rewatch Outbreak. I love the narration and the characters, intense action and drama, hot romance, seriously I love everything about this book. I can't wait until the next book because the overall story arc was left open ended for more books (fist pump) and I really hope it's Henry's book next. 


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review 2019-02-26 14:11
ARC REVIEW Heartbreaker by Inara Scott

Heartbreaker Bad Angels #1, The real reason I picked this book... the dog. How could I say no to that face! I love mastiffs, I wish I could have one. New author for me and usually not much for a billionaire romance but I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It is a opposites attract/rags to riches romance which I enjoyed. Third person POV that switches focus from Mason to Tess so you get both sides of the story. 

Tess came from a rough environment with a flaky mother who was constantly on the lookout for a new boyfriend or a new high. After making some poor life decisions as a teenager Tess moved in with her grandmother and started to take care of her. Now at the age of 26 she's finally getting her life in order she got her GED and is taking online college courses while working three jobs.

Mason came from a loving home and succeeded at everything he did, except relationships. Good grades in high school, football star, went to Harvard and MIT and earned billions in investing in other people. His relationships on the other hand don't seem to last after the fourth date. Mason's sister, Alli, guilts him into taking care of her 200lbs mastiff, Wick, who just had surgery and is taking medication that's makes him pee, a lot. Unable to give the dog the constant supervision he needs Mason hires a dogsitter. Seeing how adept Tess is with other dogs he begs her to take this job and even offers an outrageous sum of money for her.

Mason is completely taken with Tess, he's never met anyone like her before. She's a hard worker, great with animals, she calls him out whenever he starts flirting, she doesn't want anything from him except to work and get paid, and underneath her ill fitting baggy clothes he knows she's beautiful inside and out. Mason understands that Tess is as afraid of relationships as he is and after they start their non-relationship he's constantly worried that she'll bolt. Tess' past has taught her not to rely on anyone and she's afraid to let her guard down with Mason because his track record with staying with a woman is practically nil she's afraid he'll leave.

Overall, it was an entertaining read. I loved seeing their relationship grow into something more despite all the avoidance in communication with each other when it came to the really important stuff. The chemistry was great, it was obvious from the moment they set their eyes on each other it was going to be hot. I liked the side characters as well, and establishing the friendship and how deep it goes between  Mason and the other Bad Angels and Tess and Cece. I look forward to the rest of the series.       


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review 2019-02-25 15:04
ARC REVIEW Armed 'N' Ready by Tee O'Fallon

Armed 'N' Ready (Federal K-9 #2)Federal K-9 #2, Missed the first book, but that's okay because this is fine as a standalone. This was a great read, with O'Fallon being in law enforcement herself it came off as very realistic. Nick and Andi try as they might to stay professional and not get involved with each other in the middle of a case. A case where Andi Hardt is suspected of being involved in a money laundering and black market gun distribution. Andi will do whatever it takes to clear her name and unfreeze her bank accounts even if that means pretending to hire the annoyingly sexy Nick Houston as her new bartender.

Mass. State Police Sgt. Nick Houston and his K-9, Saxon, are working in junction with the AFT, IRS, and the FBI to try and track down and stop a black market guns dealer so far they have found the accountant who helps with the money laundering. Unfortunately it's Andi's ex-boyfriend who is still a friend and Andi was staying at his house when they executed the warrant. Nick figures that the guy still has some attachment to Andi so he pitches the idea to stay close to her incase the ex calls her everyone likes the idea so Nick goes to work for her at the Dog Park Cafe.

It took something major to get Andi out of the financial world but when she was betrayed by a person who claimed to love her she found a new love in a dog friendly restaurant, it took all the money she had to open it up and now because of yet another betrayal she might lose this too. Andi can't open her heart again not even to the too sexy for his own good Nick. Nick has been so career oriented since his wife died five years ago he was taken by surprise by how much he likes Andi and by how right it feels being with her. But no matter how much he likes her the job must come first.

Overall, I really liked this book. I loved the characters and the dogs. It's a bit of a slow burn because the try to keep their hands off of each other because of the case, heck for a portion of the book Andi does not like Nick because of what they are doing but her attraction to him wins out the more she gets to know him. Nick is more than what he seems and Andi is a headstrong woman and both have pasts that have molded them into who they are now and keep them hesitant from jumping in to quickly.   


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review SPOILER ALERT! 2019-02-19 15:54
ARC REVIEW The Scandalous Diary of Lily Layton by Stacy Reid

The Scandalous Diary of Lily LaytonThe Sweetest Taboo, all stand alone books only connected by the taboo trope. So it's been a while since I've read erotica like this. I enjoyed it, the story was nice the characters were pleasant and it was really hot. Now I know if I need good erotica I can count on Stacy Reid. My only issue is I didn't like the ending, it was way to easy, I personally would have been happier without the epilogue. Third person POV that switches focus between Oliver and Lily. I loved the voyeurism and meeting in complete anonymity and being oblivious to that fact that they already know each other.     

Oliver Carlyle, Marquess of Ambrose, is ready to find himself a wife but he has certain requirements that aren't usual things to look for in a wife. For one he has no plans ever to take a mistress so his wife must be able to handle the dark erotic things he likes. He knows it's going to difficult but not impossible. During a house party, thrown by his mother in hopes he finds his future wife there, he finds a diary, in this diary are the most scandalous and erotic thoughts of a young widow. Determined to find out the owner of the diary and hopefully make her his wife especially since in the diary she mentions her attraction to him.

Lily Layton is a widow twice over and just at the age of 25, she went to work as a companion to the Marquess Ambrose's mother. She never expected to be noticed never expected her sexual fantasies to come true she only wished that one day her dreams of designing dresses would come true. But her life took a different turn when her diary went missing. Dealing with social standings and expectations and blowing those out of the water by following your heart. This book is emotional at times when it comes to a secret Lily is hiding from Oliver that just may end the romance.

Overall, it was an enjoyable erotic romance. I almost wish it was a tad bit more lighthearted, the beginning and the middle were really erotic; nice and hot really good but toward the end it got serious and just kind of killed the mood. The whole epilogue it was so typical with as serious as the topic of infertility got I wish she stayed true to that path. 


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