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text 2016-08-13 18:00
Backup (Export) your booklikes shelves and reviews?



Has it really been three years of promises?  Are the Community Guidelines and Official Supplements to guidelines posts really still talking about new features and updates from booklikes staff every Thursday?


THREE YEARS????? !!!!!


(They promised in more comments, discussions and posts than the one I conveniently screenshot because was on the official guidelines section but that one was handy.  )


I'm sure I've nagged them about this 2013 thru 2015 by email, on their posts, their comments and their discussions -- and I've seen others also doing so.  Kinda gave up in 2016 getting any staff activity and just decided to backup on Leafmarks for the booklikes shutdown the lack of staff activity and sales rumors had me anticipating [I see the irony now that Leafmarks shut down after prolonged staff inactivity].


Earlier this summer in the bug group, there actually was staff contact.  Where they said had email issues, programmer to hire and were not sold to new owners.


The minute we hear they've got a programmer again, maybe we should make sure to once again beg for data export/backup.

Source: blog.booklikes.com/post/198757/booklikes-community-guidelines
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text 2013-10-07 16:39
When did that happen...?

I just noticed that BookLikes added a search box on the Blog Admin page, so it's now possible to find blog posts more easily and fix the horrible things that happened to them on import. Yay!


Unless this was around all the time and I just never noticed. Always possible. I didn't notice that the first floor of my workplace had a water fountain until after I'd been working there for three and a half years.

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text 2013-10-04 19:51
Features I Like on BookLikes: Sorting by Exclusive & Personal Shelving

I just want to say one of the features I like about BookLikes is the ability to sort my shelves based on exclusive status and personal shelf status


Example: Say I wanted to find which books I have read that I categorize as Fairytales.


I can click the READ exclusive shelf.



Then I can click the Fairytales shelf. 



Now I have all the books I have read which I shelved as Fairytales.



And I can click Favorite, Wishlist, Reviewed, or Private to sort them further.


I really think this is a good feature. 


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