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review 2017-04-28 15:07
"Fifty Shades of Darker", by E.L. James
Fifty Shades Darker - E.L. James
Book #2, in the Fifty Shades series

This series is definitely proof that a book doesn't have to be well written to be a best seller. I am not one to read erotic romance as a steady diet so I took a 5 years hiatus between installments before I succumbed to my friends rave about this series….curiosity got the better of me and I gave in….Well I am glad I waited this long between installments.

After all, this second book is a rehash of the first book, a kind of a soft-core bondage porn story that features two main characters: Anastasia a very young and adorable woman and Christian, a handsome and incredibly rich powerful man. Same as in the first book, “Fifty Shades of Darker” also becomes another sexually graphic romance with all the S&M unimaginable done in the state of the art playroom or anywhere else these two overly sexed people managed to find. The story is told from the point of views of Ana and not with a light touch. Lots of lewd language and opinions under the belts, especially Christian’s…definitely not literature and out of this world characterization.

The story doesn’t have much action actually there is near a total lack of plot. What there is concerns Anastasia’s troubles at work and Christian stalking by a former submissive partner. While the story moves on, some of the scenarios seemed to repeat themselves too frequently: the fights, the misunderstandings, his insecurity, her understanding and the “kinky-fuckery”and .....etc. all very redundant and extremely boring.

If you didn’t read the first book, “Fifty Shades of Darker” is not entirely unreadable as a standalone. I was glad when the first one ended but this second installment ends in a cliff-hanger, just enough tension to pique my interest to tackle book 3 “Fifty Shades Freed”. Who knows, I may not wait 5 years this time:), then again I may never pick it up…..


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review 2016-10-03 20:54
Fifty Shades Darker
Fifty Shades Darker - E.L. James,Becca Battoe
The Characters:

Anna Steele
Christian Gray

The Story:

I am not a 50 Shades fan. I only read this book because I know there will be a movie night with my friends/book club and I wanted to know what happens before I watch. Let’s be real I’m not really going to watch I’m going to have my comedy routine going like when we watched the first part. With that said, I was still unimpressed with these two. Their story isn’t bad but the repetitiveness and Anna’s immaturity make me constantly roll my eyes. I think the author is trying to convey Anna’s “innocence” but she really just makes her sound like an idiot sometimes.

I was prepared to move on with my life and not revisit this world again (well until the next movie came out) but Ms James snagged me with a cliffhanger that has so much potential I HAVE to read/listen to the next book soon. I just hope this potential is realized. ::fingers crossed::

The Random Thoughts:

2 Stars
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review 2015-12-30 00:09
It just gets worse...
Fifty Shades Darker - E.L. James

In a way, I got desensitized by now against some aspects of this god awful story. The bad writing is a given. The facepalm moments with the Inner Goddess and the subconsciousness are also there. It never really stops being disturbing that Ana basically has three people in her head with their own personalities. Maybe she's actually a schizophrenic in a mental institution and all this is in her head. What an idea! Something like in Sucker Punch. She's actually being abused by a guy there, but in her head he's Grey, and they are having a love affair.


You may be wondering what happens in this book. Actually, I'm kind of wondering about that myself. The only way I could actually finish this thing was by listening to it being read out by Mark. This books is really boring, and about three things happen in it. The rest is sex. I think probably even a porn addict would be fed up. This is where it's obvious that the book used to be fanfiction. Fanfics are updated once a week at best, and that way you get the sex scenes in instalments. Being read one after the other becomes too much, especially because the plot is almost non-existent.


In a way, the first book was actually a lot better than the second. It had more things going on, and there was some conflict. I almost enjoyed that in a "shout at the insanity of the book" way. There isn't too much conflict in this one, and if there is, it gets quickly swept under the rug by either sex or alcohol. Not necessarily by Christian. There is one case where an uninvited guest comes into Christian's apartment, who sends Ana away to deal with it. So far so good. So what does Ana and another person do? Go for a drink.

I just don't have much to say about it, since it's really just glorified porn at this point.


Overall, I'm wondering what I'd rather do; bang my head against a wall, or read this.


Cross-posted at http://unapologetic-reviews.blogspot.com, where you can find more reviews.

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review 2015-12-04 02:17
Fifty Shades trilogy by E.L. James
Fifty Shades of Grey - E.L. James
Fifty Shades Darker - E.L. James
Fifty Shades Freed - E.L. James

I know that a lot of people have gotten a lot of negative feed back for reading or reviewing these books but I figured I would still put my thoughts out there.


Book one wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Book two was definitely my favorite out of the three. Christian really proved his love for Ana through his words and actions.

Book three had a little more action and really wrapped up nicely in the end.  


Overall  I really loved the emails...I think it's my favorite part of the books.  They are super cutesy and flirty.  The subject lines and signatures made me smile. 

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review 2015-06-27 03:12
Ausgiebige Rezension hier:
Fifty Shades Darker - E.L. James


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