I have read several Shannon Hale books, so I was really looking forward to this one, and I can say I am really surprised, this one was really fun.
However, not all characters were good. For instance, I loved Raven and her struggle to fight against her destiny and becoming evil. But I disliked Apple and her lack of empathy and such towards people. She was really rude and mean to Raven, trying to reform her to writing her signature under the story, just so her (Snow White) story will stay alive. I can imagine, she doesn't want her story to disappear or go wrong, but I am sure there are better ways then to change someone's room, to be blunt about a lot of things and just not wanting to understand what Raven is going through.
She gets better later (in the next book), but even there I just wanted to smack her for a big part of the book.
Other than those things I mentioned, it was a good book. I really liked the idea of a boarding school for fairy tale/legend stories. It was also great to see the brothers Grimm and also various smaller and less known story figures. I didn't always get who they were, but mostly I did and I had really much fun seeing their modern personalities in this book.
I can't wait to see what will happen in the further books, I do hope Raven will get her wish, and won't need to be evil or bad.