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review 2019-11-13 01:22
Book Review: Ted the Friendly Frog and Santa Frog
Ted the Friendly Frog and Santa Frog - Scott K McCall

This book is set during the Christmas season. The family is getting ready for Christmas. Ted's father gets up to tell a story of meeting Santa Frog. As the story is being told, children will get to learn to rhyme some words. The series continues to teach children to read.

Ted and his brother Brad seem excited about Santa Frog. Will they get to meet Santa Frog? What will Santa Frog bring them and how many presents? There is still the meaning behind the story. There seem to be an important meaning behind the story. Though this one will not know until the end of the book. What matters most is that Family Matters.

I got the feeling of The Night before Christmas feeling with this story. As if you read. Though with the teaching of the meaning of Christmas and family being the center of the story. Though that is my thoughts on it.

The author still gets the children to learn to read with the rhyming theme as you read. This is good as this helps with children and good to have parents pick up the series. It does teach lessons and meanings that are important for children to learn.

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review 2019-11-11 02:23
Book Review: Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race at Golden Lake
Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race at Golden Lake - Scott K McCall

Ted is getting ready for the big race at the Golden Lake. He seems hungry and follows a fly. As does he get lost in the woods. Though he meets new friends in the woods. They all help him get back in time for the race.

There a decision he got to make when he in second place. Should he help his friend that in trouble or should he win? This is where the important lesson comes in Helping a friend in need or winging the race?

The author does this with the book along with the rhyming of words. Children will learn to read with this book as well. Learn about friendship as well. Learning about helping a friend rather than wining.

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review 2019-11-09 22:33
Book Review: Ted The Friendly Frog and the Tale of The Diamond
Ted the Friendly Frog and the Tale of the Diamond - Scott McCall

We get introduced to Ted. We find out how he spends his day. Though in the first adventure he has. It when his grandfather asks him to watch a diamond of his.

As you read. You find out that Ted as a mishap? Will he tell his grandfather. Will Ted learn his lesson. You can learn from your mistakes. I enjoy how the author does this. Children will learn about making mistakes. Will they learn to listen to their parents and friends?

The author does well with this. The pictures are done well. I love how the story is told with the pictures. There even rhyming going on throughout the book. Children can learn to read as well.

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review 2019-05-13 15:26
Review: Swords, Sorcery & Self-Rescuing Damsels
Twenty bestselling and award-winning authors offer enchanting tales of women and girls forging paths through darkness and peril. Cleverness, curiosity, and determinations make worthy heroines in fantastical new worlds.
This line from Editor Lee French's notes says it all: that the term "damsels in distress" reduces women to poorly-dimensioned plot points "useful as nothing more than a prize for defeating the enemy." "This depiction sucks," Lee adds.   Yeah, it does.  Like all those sci-fi movies we used to watch as kids when the group is being chased by monsters the woman would always trip & fall over something, slowing everyone down.  Hell, even in the first Mortal Kombat movie they reduced Sonya Blade- Special Forces Team Leader who just killed Kano- to eye candy & fluff.
15159570676_8c33abc48b_b She was saving this outfit for just such an occasion...
Like all anthologies, it's hit and miss with the stories.  Some are pretty good, others seem to end just when you're getting caught up in them and some you don't know what the heck's even supposed to be happening.  Makes for an intriguing yet uneven mix.  The central theme, of course, is women of all stripes and ages taking their destinies into their own hands.  Not always exactly a HEA, but they're seizing control of their fates. Some of my favorites here were Ashna's Heart, She Remembered, Princess Last Picked, Falconer's Apprentice, Alive, Thorn Girl, Calamity, Hope beyond Death & Balancing the Scales.
Only real complaint here is it seems like some stories were edited down to the point that choppiness & uneveness were the end result.  But other than that, a good solid read about women & girls who get the job done.
3.5/5 stars  


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review 2019-02-02 00:50
Frog and Toad Together
Frog and Toad Together - Arnold Lobel

Reading level and Leveling System:

Guided Reading: K

Lexile Measure: 330


Frog and Toad return with five new adventures. They get organized to make a list of things that need to get done, they make cookies, they work hard to make their flowers grow in the garden, Toad showed appreciation for his best friend after a scary dream, and they learned they could be brave in the face of danger.

Language Arts Activities: Students could write a story about a recent dream they had or have children practice writing list (grocery list, to do list, or a packing list)

Math Activities: Students to take a survey of family and friends on their favorite cookie and make a bar graph to display the results. 

Science Activities:Students could plant a flower and discuss what a seed needs to grow and record the seed progress.

Students could compare and contrast frogs and toads on a Venn Diagram.

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