Title: Saving Grapes
Author: J. T. Lundy
Publisher: Emerald Book Company
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"Saving Grapes" by L. T. Lundy
What I liked about this novel...
Wow, all I can say it that "Saving Grapes" made me laugh and laugh ...from this vineyard setting [sights, sounds and aromas] along with the nuns and those crazy villains these two main characters[Jason and Stumpy] were simply off the chart so interesting and funny! Oh yes, in a slapstick way did I love this way this author was able to give the reader simply a fun adventurous read with these two attempting to fulfilling the conditions of a will to inherit the vineyard left to Jason[a perennial screw-up] by his Aunt Clara. There will be some twist and turns in this fast story that will keep your attention and guessing all the way to the end. Who knew as Jason sets out for financial gain will he end up getting so much more? So, if you are in for a good laugh I would recommend this comic romantic novel as one enjoyable read.