omg you guys
This book is so wonderfully warm and fuzzy and funny that I don't know what to do with myself other than squee in happiness because FINALLY! A book where I love the heroine, I don't want to murder the hero and the secondary characters are so loveable and relatable that I am actually having a hard time believing I found this. I even fell for the damn stray cat, Chuck! And no it has nothing to do with the fact that I've rescued two stray kittens this month.
Ok, maybe a little but Chuck was so sweet!
And this book? IT'S SO GOOD.
Katie was a joy to read. She was just so wonderful. I have nothing but praise for her. She had issues, but she was so damn sincere and open and honest and I related to her so much. The whole getting over a trauma made me ache for her.
Cam was a stud muffin with a very marked commitment phobia, but you just felt bad for the poor guy. Sure, I wanted to smack him but in a REALIZE THE MISTAKE IN YOUR WAYS AND LOVE HER NOW DAMNIT.
I loved the Wilders and everyone that surrounds them. I also love that the next couple was introduced and not in a beat-you-over-the-head-with-it way. It was organic, it flowed, it made damn sense!
It just restored my faith in Contemporaries cause I was getting fed up with the amount of lackluster crap I kept reading. Nothing made me laugh or hit me in the feels or seemed well written lately. Not the case here THANK GOODNESS.
This is mt first Shalvis and I'm sure it won't be my last cause, according to my weekly SmartBitches ebook sale email (say that three times fast), the trilogy is on SALE.
*runs and buys the last two books*