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review 2014-10-27 22:12
The Children Act
The Children Act - Ian McEwan

Each time I read something by Ian McEwan I wonder why I haven't read everything he's written.  I asked myself this again after I finished his latest The Children Act.  His books are succinct and to the point, thought provoking and haunting.


Fiona is a judge in England in the field of children's law.  She is intelligent and successful but her marriage suddenly comes to halt when her husband gives her an ultimatum.  Unprepared for this and on the brink of a new case she forges forward doing her best to compartmentalize her life. 


Her new case is a terminally ill teenager Adam and his parents refusing to allow the hospital to perform a drug transfusion to save his life.  Adam and his parents are Jehovah's Witness and their religion prevents them from accepting these types of procedures.  We witness Fiona's meticulous thought process as she researches her case and comes to her decision in both her legal case and her troubled marriage. Will she be able to live with the resulting consequences?


Morality versus law and all the reasons supporting each side will make for a tormenting challenge within oneself. This book will have you asking yourself "What would I do?".


How I acquired this book: From my in-laws for my birthday.

Shelf life:  One week

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