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review 2016-10-04 13:28
The Light of Hidden Flowers by Jennifer Handford
The Light of Hidden Flowers - Jennifer Handford

A lovely book - heartwarming, challenging, and a few other things. I related almost immediately with the main character, Missy (Melissa). I was also shy and introverted (still am), though with the advantage of also being very good at sports. 


It's also coming-of-age, though Melissa is 35.But she's chosen, in a way, to never grow up, even though she's a partner in a very successful money management firm. 


It's a love story, but with many crinkles. It's also about bullying, recovery and all sorts of other things. It was the sort of book I put down, did other stuff, but kept thinking about.


Here's the blurb:


Book-smart Melissa Fletcher lives a predictable life in her hometown, working behind the scenes for her charismatic father in a financial career that makes perfect sense. But when her dad is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, Missy is forced to step up and take over as his primary caregiver and the principal of the firm.

After her father's death, Missy finds a letter from him in which he praises her for being a dutiful daughter but admonishes her for not taking any risks in life.

Devastated, Missy packs her suitcase and heads for Italy. There she meets a new friend who proposes a radical idea. Soon, Missy finds herself in impoverished India, signing away her inheritance and betting on a risky plan while rekindling a lost love.

The Light of Hidden Flowers is a deeply felt story of accepting who we are while pushing our boundaries to see how much more we can become. It's a reminder that it's never too late to pursue our dreams.


One thing that irritated me was that I could only get by buying a print copy second hand. I don't do Amazon, and the ebook is only available there, as far as I could tell. The print book was available elsewhere, but cost a fortune. So I ended up buying a paperback second hand online.

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review 2014-04-19 02:42
Acts of Contrition
Acts of Contrition - Jennifer Handford


By Jennifer Handford 

ISBN-10: 1477809503I

ISBN-13: 978-1477809501

Publisher: Amazon Publishing

Publicaiton Date:  April 15, 2014

Paperback: 332 pages

My Rating:  5 Stars 



Mary is a very likeable character, a strong protagonist readers will relate to, as she is the perfect wife and mother of two daughters and twin sons. She is real and flawed. She loves her family and everything it stands for; she has values and morals.


Even before she married at age thirty, an attorney in her earlier career, her real passion was to be married and raising a family, similar to her simple, but loving Catholic Italian upbringing. She deserves to happy, having waited so long for this dream.


Tom, her husband is every woman’s dream, and mirrors his wife’s passion by supporting his family, a caring father, offering love and financial security. (I found myself wanting to be a part of this dynamic unit).


However, Mary has a problem. She suffers from an addiction. She has an addiction to people. Mary, finds herself in an unhealthy roller coaster relationship for years, with charismatic and political Landon James. He was charming, good looking, successful, ambitious and she fell deeply in love. However, Landon was very non-committal, and did not share her happily ever after. She continues waiting for him, addicted to being with him, hanging on his every gesture, waiting for that perfect ending which never came.


After such time, she gives up on Landon (not out of her mind), and meets Tom (the one) and they marry. Now in the middle of her perfect life – her deal with the devil comes back to haunt her.


When Landon calls, her heart melts and she loses her senses. She has been living with the guilt from the past with a secret she has buried. She has kept this secret and lie, in order to protect her own marriage and family.


The deep buried secret now resurfaces, as Landon in running for Senate, a high profile position - her past is about to destroy her perfectly planned life.


A thought- provoking, intense, and poignant story of a moral dilemma--disclosing the truth, versus burying it deep within a perfect marriage. When faced with the question – What would you do, and are you prepared for the fallout? Do you trust your love and your partnership to see you through the most difficult times? By experiencing the bad, can you get to an even better place?


Beautifully written story for the Easter season, as we are celebrate Sunday (same as setting at the end of the book). A time of redemption, love, grace, and forgiveness. There are many parallels to ACT OF CONTRITION, as Jennifer unfolds masterfully.


Flashing back and forth from past to present, from both points of view (Mary and Tom), ACTS OF CONTRITION is deeply moving and full of emotion. A story which will be attractive to a wide audience of readers-from young mothers, wives, to older women, of any faith. An ideal book for book clubs or discussions.


There are other secondary characters in this contemporary fiction, carrying out the theme of “addiction”, in other ways, such as Tom’s brother, Patrick – an alcoholic, his father, also an alcoholic and not so faithful husband, Mary’s sister, Teresa with secrets of her own, and Tom’s mother, who has held strong, and faithful throughout.


Loved the quote under the Reader's Guide at the end of the book by the author: "If Mary were sorry—for the sake of it, because she did wrong and was regretful for it—then her contrition might have been “perfect.” But Mary was seduced by the good life: her husband, her children, and the life she built with them. In a sense, she made a deal with the devil. So she was contrite, yes, but the reader wonders about her contrition. Certainly it was imperfect. She was more concerned about getting caught, about losing what she had, than about coming clean for the sake of it. Is this to say she was a bad person? Absolutely not. It’s to say that she was human.”


Highly recommend this compelling read, and look forward to reading “Daughters for a Time” her earlier award-winning book. As a Professor of Writing at American University in Washington, D.C., Hanford’s strong and keen writing style is most reflective in this powerful and satisfying second novel.


A special thank you to Amazon Publishing and NetGalley, for providing a complimentary ARC, in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/909632891
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review 2013-11-28 19:53
Töchter auf Zeit - Jennifer Handford
Töchter auf Zeit - Jennifer Handford

Jennifer Handford
Töchter auf Zeit
zeitgenössische Literatur
Audible GmbH, 21.11.2013
Spieldauer: 10 Std., 7 Min (ungekürzt)
Sprecher: Elke Schützhold
Regulärer Preis: 20,95 €
Abo-Preis: 19,50 € oder 1 Guthaben
bzw. 9,95 € im Flexi-Abo




Inhaltsangabe (Audible):


Als Helen Francis noch ein Kind war, starb ihre Mutter und ihr Vater ließ sie im Stich, sodass ihrer älteren Schwester nichts anderes übrig blieb, als sie großzuziehen. Mittlerweile ist Helen 35, verheiratet und möchte selbst ein Kind haben. Helen hat tapfer versucht, ihr Leben auf die Reihe zu kriegen, aber ihre traumatische Kindheit nie ganz überwunden. Sie war schon immer davon überzeugt, dass ein eigenes Kind ihr helfen würde, das Loch in ihrem Herzen zu schließen. Nach vier Jahren, in denen sie versucht hat, schwanger zu werden, findet sie sich damit ab, keine Kinder bekommen zu können. Als sie ihr Adoptivkind schließlich in ihren Armen hält, ist sie überglücklich. Doch ihr Glück findet ein abruptes Ende, als sie erfährt, dass ihre Schwester Claire, die sie nicht nur großgezogen hat, sondern ihr während ihrer gesamten Kindheit und auch im Erwachsenenleben eine große Stütze gewesen ist, an Krebs erkrankt ist…


Eine bewegende Story, herzergreifend geschildert, sehr emotional, aber erst ab dem zweiten Drittel. Anfangs zog es sich, und aufgrund der überzeichneten Charaktere hätte ich wohl leicht ein gedrucktes Buch zur Seite gelegt. Dies ist auch kein Buch, das von Spannung lebt. Es erzählt vielmehr die Geschichte einer Familie, die viel Leid erfahren musste, aber dennoch voller Liebe ist. Und so rührt sie sehr ans Herz. Zumindest ich brauchte einige Taschentücher.


Die Protagonistin Helen – das Buch ist in der ersten Person aus ihrer Sicht geschrieben – war anfangs depressiv, weil sie partout nicht schwanger wurde und noch immer um ihre Mutter derart trauerte, dass sie ihr Leben nicht in den Griff zu bekommen schien. Das machte mir das Zuhören nicht gerade einfach. Zum Glück ändert aber der Entschluss, ein Kind zu adoptieren, eine Menge in ihrem Leben.


Das ganze Buch wimmelt von Extremsituationen. So ist das Leid immer besonders tief, das Glück extrem groß, die Kinder besonders lieb… ihr kennt das.


Man kann Elke Schützhold aber sehr gut zuhören, erfährt von Kindern, die in China in zartem Alter ausgesetzt und dann von Adoptionsvermittlungen an Familien auf der ganzen Welt gegeben werden. Auch einige Anregungen und Hilfestellungen für Hinterbliebene sind enthalten.


Ich gebe für Story und Sprecherin 08/10 Punkte.

Source: sunsys-blog.blogspot.de/2013/11/ausgehort-tochter-auf-zeitj-handford.html
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