Well it took me months to pick up this book. It sat on my shelf looking at me, daring me to read it. To know the ending. But my #seriesenderphobia (and yes, this is true I do have this) prevented me from reading it. My anxiety hit sky high overtime my hands held the book. Finally one day, I bit the bullet and decided to read it. It was time.
Plot: So this plot pretty much carrie on from the next book and started off with a bang. Literally my heart was in my throat. I could not believe what is going on. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, but I mostly wanted to close the book and put it back on the shelf. I kept going, hoping for some reassurance that things will get better. The plot is very moving and keeps the reader intact. I read page to page nonstop and loved every single minute of it.
Alien Invasion: I think the way it works out in the end, benefited both races fine. I was surprised how quickly and easy the fix was. Surely they were able to move on and still live on their lives.
Ending: Well the ending is bittersweet and something I want to relive again. It was awesome and surely I love it. I just wish I didn’t read it as fast.
First and foremost, this is one heck of the series. Ever ambitious and engrossing, Opposition is bold. A witty story of aliens in high school, Opposition is an stellar conclusion.