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review 2015-01-21 08:47
Killer Frost
Killer Frost - Jennifer Estep

It's the last one, sadly--I'll admit it's grown on me a lot over the past two books, the pace picking up and everything coming together--and in my opinion, the best one.

The final showdown between Gwen and friends and Loki and the reapers has been a long time brewing and let me tell you that battle was edge of your seat stuff. I mean, I know they wouldn't lose because that would have been a crappy ending, but how the author wrote it. The tension of not knowing how Gwen was going to come out on top pushed it from the usual 4 star up to a 4.5/5 stars.

Seeing how all the characters we've come to know over the previous five books come together to fight the Reapers, well, I really liked this ending.

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review 2014-04-22 16:48
Review: Killer Frost
Killer Frost - Jennifer Estep

I know this may sound strange but whenever I get attached to a series that I LOVE it can take me up to months to finish the last book. As soon as the book hits my hands I will leave it on the shelf with my stomach FULL of anxiety. Literally.  My mind entertains the thought of just having the guts of picking up the book and reading it. Seriously, I avoided this book purposely. I love this series. I just couldn’t bear the thought of it ending. Not to mention I was super nervous.


Plot: This story picks up where the last book left off. Gwen has grown tremendously since the start of the series and is ready for a fight. This fight is one that has been brewing since the beginning so you can imagine how hard my heart was beating. The plot moved at a medium pace. Things would go slow and then speed up. At times, I thought, “This is it. The big show-down.” And then nothing. And then once it did hit the big fight I was totally unprepared for it! LOL!!


Friendship/Love: Even though in the beginning Gwen kept to herself, over the course of the series she has made some pretty great friends. These friends are loyal and some of the best friends you can find. Not to mention her hottie spartan boyfriend who makes me swoon every time he enters the page. *SWOON* In all seriousness, her friends and Spartan are awesome. They are her rock and keep her going.


Ending: The ending is so bittersweet yet it ended perfectly. Gwen has face her greatest opponent and came out on top. Though not without sacrifices. At first, I was scared but it turned out okay. *Glares at author for heart attacked given* (J/K) I love it. The ending is fitting. I’m sad that it is over.


This is an excellent series!! If you have not read it, you should. I honestly think this series is one of those “rare gems” that deserves more praise and promotion. In the midst of chaos, Killer Frost provides great action and entertainment. Gritty yet satisfying, Killer Frost is an enjoyable ride that you need to read.

Source: www.bookswithbite.net
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review 2014-03-08 04:06
Mythos Academy 6 - Killer Frost von Jennifer Estep
Killer Frost - Jennifer Estep


  • Format: Kindle Edition
Dateigröße: 923 KB Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 368 Seiten Verlag: Kensington Books (25. Februar 2014) Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. Sprache: Englisch
"Ja ich habe schon früher gegen die Schnitter des Chaos gekämpft und überlebt, aber diesmal habe ich ein sehr, sehr schlechtes Gefühl, dass es ein Kampf auf Leben und Tod wird - höchst wahrscheinlich meiner. Ja ich habe meine Psychometrie und mein sprechendes Schwert Vic und sogar den gefährlichsten Spartaner der Schule an meiner Seite, dennoch bin ich kein Gegner für Loki, den bösen, nordischen Gott des Chaos. Ich mag Nikes Champion sein, aber im Grunde meines Herzens bin ich immer noch Gwen Frost, das verrückte Gypsy Mädchen, über das man in der Schule gerne tratscht.
Doch dann ist jemand den ich liebe in größerer Gefahr als je zuvor - und etwas in mir macht Klick und mir ist klar:  Diesmal werden Loki und seine Schnitter untergehen - oder ich werde es."
Meine Meinung:
Endlich hat jene charakterliche Weiterentwicklung stattgefunden, auf die ich in den letzten Bänden so sehr vergebens wartete. Alles in Allem war das Buch sehr spannend, doch auch sehr vorhersehbar. Viele Parallelen waren vorhanden: zu Harry Potter, zu Twilight, zu den Kane Chroniken und noch einigen anderen Büchern. Aber es machte dennoch Spaß es zu lesen und sorgte an einigen Stellen für feuchte Augen.
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review 2014-03-07 00:00
Killer Frost
Killer Frost - Jennifer Estep I think this was a good last book in the series. I'm a bit sad to say goodbye to Gwen, because she rocks, and Logan, because he's hot. While it sounds like everyone won't always be full of happiness and rainbows, we get an idea how things will turn out. And everything just might be alright.

This was a series I loved from the first, it caught my attention with the mythology focus. I think this series is one of the best that feature mythology in some sort or aspect and I think anyone who loves mythology should pick up these books. Great reads for adults and teens alike.
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review 2014-03-03 17:01
Am I Asking for too Much by Wanting an Epic Ending?
Killer Frost - Jennifer Estep

I...uh...yeah. Breaking Dawn plot tactics, really?

What do I even say? What CAN I even say without spoiling?

As indicated by my star rating, Killer Frost was my least favorite book of the series, which is a bit of a shame for a series ender. Even so, 3 stars is still a halfway decent rating from me, so all is not lost.

FIRST, the not-so-great...

1. It took far too long to get to the point where the story grabbed me and took over. 

2. Logan Freaking Quinn (her words oft borrowed by me) was not as shiny as he'd been in the past. I almost forgot that he was there.

3. Breaking Dawn -

no one really dies who's important to the story, which is unrealistic when you go to WAR

(spoiler show)

 all up in a fight scene - no. 

BUT what I did like...

1. As usual, Ms. Estep put a lot of care and thought into her world and the characters who live in it. Groundwork that was laid in the very first book came back full circle. 

2. I appreciate the variety of mythological gods and creatures the reader gets to learn about (or revisit). You can tell that this author loves her mythology...maybe not on the same level as Rick Riordan, but still. I had wished for more information at times than just face-value name dropping, but I've (unfortunately) read much sparser "mythology" founded stories than this one, so I'm happy for the most part.

3. Since it was time to get things wrapped up, at least Gwen got to go out in a blaze of glory. She'd never be able to fill Rose Hathaway's shoes, but the kid's got some guts, nonetheless.

I'm ready to close the page on Mythos Academy. It was a fun ride, but the time was due to end the story. 

I'll definitely be curious to see what series is up next from this imaginative author.

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