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review 2016-12-21 18:02
#PBwkendread Review: Knotted Roots
Knotted Roots - Ruthi Kight
So I given this book to give an honest review.
Though I am sad to say I dropped my book in the mud by accident and I had to cry!! Now I need to get me a new copy. :( 
First let me start off with this book is free on Amazon right now. Not sure if it is perma free or not but check it out. Second I love the cover, high heels and hay bales it has to be good.
So we are introduced to Roxie who is your normal teenager, though her world goes upside down when she has to live with her Grandma. Roxie came across as a very rude and spoiled character. I mean when a guy bares his heart to you and yet you still cry and yell and run away something is wrong with you. 
I really did enjoy the whole story! I thought it was well written and the characters well developed. 
I really liked how this author did not over do the whole kissing scenes even though it would seem it could get a bit heavy it didn't. 
We see how Roxie gets to grow up and get a dose of how life is somewhere else she realizes the person she is, is not the person she wants to become so we get to see her grow later on. 
Chase oh poor Chase he has had it rough but yet Roxie's grandma has always been there for him. Which makes Grandma so sweet and kind. Chase is a stubborn guy because he kept letting Roxie hurt him with words and running away, though yet kept coming back.
Now Grandma I really like how she was hard working and so kind and giving. It broke my heart to see Roxie treat her mean though she never gave up on Roxie.
I did want more back story on why Roxie's mom never had her mom really be in her life. I felt there was a story there that just sat under the surface that needed to be opened. 
Overall a really good book.
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review 2013-09-28 04:36
Knotted Roots - Ruthi Kight

Check out my full review here (:

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review 2013-08-25 00:00
Knotted Roots
Knotted Roots - Ruthi Kight Probably I am getting to old for young adult romances, so I think this book is better for those 22 or 23 and younger who will love it. I am very jaded when it comes to romance right now, so please - do not rely on my review unless you are as jaded as I am. I liked the book, but did not love it. And I admit, it is due to my age and "life experience." :)
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review 2013-06-24 00:00
Knotted Roots - Ruthi Kight Roxie comes off as your typical spoiled rich kid. Her life revolves around her social standing, so it comes as no surprise the injustice she feels when certain events happen that threaten her very way of life, as well as the circle of friends she has. When she is forced to leave her posh New York life style to spend three months in Soth Carolina with her Grandmother, Roxie feels as though her entire life is ending. She shares her fear of returning a social pariah with her best friend Amber who promises to help try to help sway her parents to let her go where her friends will be for the summer instead, that's when everything falls apart.
As the story progresses the reader will note certain things Roxie does that will make you question, they make her question as well. The reader will find them self wanting more than anything to slap the snob and stupid out this girl one more then just a handful of occasions. There will be definite tears on more than one occasion.
There were a few minor spelling errors nothing at all drastic. They were more than likely missed due to the timelines writers and Beta Teams are under to get things done in. They will not halt the understanding of the sentence nor slow the reader down at all.
A small story hang up I found myself pondering more than once was the absolute vanishment of Amber after the last call. I do not believe that however stuck up and self absorbed a person is, someone who calls someone their best friend for x amount of years does not just suddenly stop after one disagreement. Then again, perhaps they can. There is not enough information on Amber to know why she didn't pursue her best friend, but the reader will know without a doubt why Roxie didn't.
All in all, this story is a great coming of age tale. I do hope Ruthi will write a sequel (even if Airicka has to help with the title again lol) so we can see how Roxie and the others in Perry Point at doing. These characters are unforgettable, and while the people in this story are fictional, like any other amazingly written work, they leave a very real impression on the reader. There are plenty of lessons to be learned within these 189 pages and they are ones every human being should learn.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws


Reviewed by

S.Cu'Anam Policar

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review 2013-04-16 00:00
Knotted Roots - Ruthi Kight
"There was no knight in shining armor set on rescuing me, but there was a country boy in faded denim who loved me.'

As much as I enjoy reading New Adult stuffs there is always that unexplainable and that incomparable feeling that I get to feel whenever I read Young Adult and oh how I miss reading books from that genre. So now, after a long span of time I finally get around to read another YA novel and that missing feeling was gladly filled by reading Knotted Roots.

Knotted Roots offers to us a not so original kind of plot where 'the city-girl-turned-into-a-country/farm-girl is the main highlight. But the mystery and struggles of the characters within the book would surely make your reading experience emotional and worthwhile.

Is it just me or stories that fall under this genre all seems to be too short? Knotted Roots just seems to be too short for its own good. I find myself craving for more!

First Impression: Roxie will be the kind of character that will annoy me what with the spoiled-princess-city-girl kind of life that she lives. But as I go one reading she did surprise me in ways that are so familiar yet still surprising because yes she's the spoiled-princess-city-girl but the kind with a BIG AND KIND HEART; plus she's actually one of the most enjoying teller I ever encountered in reading – there was no dull moments with the way she was telling her story and she’s the kind of girl that is very realistic.She changed a lot - for the better. At a small amount of time spent with her grandma she did learn lot of things and it’s refreshing to see the new Roxie at the end of the story.

Of course a YA story is not complete without this too-goodie cowboy guy named Chase!! He's supportive and sweet and just a simple kind of country guy. His attitude towards Roxie and all the people around him really suited his character.

My little woe in this story is that it seems like the problem with Roxie’s parents are not explained further. It would have been better if there has been a conclusion with that subject. But this one aside - I like the whole package of the story.

Family, friendship, love, acceptance, lose and meaning of home all knotted into one beautiful story. Pick this one up guys - totally worth reading! :)
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