I have a reading list in progress at http://booklikes.com/apps/reading-lists/657/leafmarks-community-challenge-time-100 to track books from the challenge that will be defunct July 1, 2016.
It's done when it's a 100-book list.
I have a reading list in progress at http://booklikes.com/apps/reading-lists/657/leafmarks-community-challenge-time-100 to track books from the challenge that will be defunct July 1, 2016.
It's done when it's a 100-book list.
See http://www.listchallenges.com/1001-books-you-must-read-before-you-die for the list (and a possible site for echoing the no-longer-available-after-July-1-2016 Leafmarks challenges you are currently in).
I'd also suggest in addition to or instead of the listchallenges website,creating a reading list on booklikes, a listopia on goodreads, plus on any of your books sites shelves or tags for the books in the challenges you were in on Leafmarks. And sharing the links here of course.
I'm not going to make a booklikes reading list for that many books myself, but will be adding and postings ones for the Time 100, Modern Library Top 100, and my personal/friend challenges I was in over on Leafmarks. After doublechecking no one already made.
I hope booklikes will be adding more challenge and lists features (plus, of course, upgrading the discussion rooms and fixing the #*!*(#$ persistent bugs ...)
Leafmarks has once again responded lightning fast to the reviewing community’s desires, this time in the aftermath of the “Authors Stalking Reviewers” news.
According to their latest newsletter, Leafmarks has implemented useful features desired by Goodreads members at almost the same time Goodreads has added an unwanted and derided feature that spams recommends books to you in the Updates feed on the home page, while many sought after ones – as well as a long list of bug fixes and defunct features – have seemingly been ignored in Amazon’s pursuit of profit.