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text 2013-11-09 13:15
Toasty Warm Again! And Weekend Reading Plans
'Tis the Season to Kiss Santa (Entangled Indulgence) - Kate Hardy
'Tis the Season to be Kissed - Amy Andrews
Santa to the Rescue - Adele Downs
Secret Santa (novella) - Rhian Cahill
One Sweet Christmas (novella) - Darlene Fredette
A Sprite's Tale (novella) - Lexxie Couper
Second Chance Christmas - Ellen Butler
White Lie Christmas - Christine Bell,Riley Murphy
The Lair - Emily McKay

Last week was challenging, to say the least.  The past few weeks have kind of sucked.  There was the doctor appt from Hell, which I don't even want to dwell upon - though receiving the bill yesterday for a test the doctor didn't even have time to discuss the results grates on my nerves. 


The furnace has been replaced.  What a noisy endeavor that was!  All of that clanging and banging! The puppers were beside themselves with the strangers in the house and all of the commotion.  They collapsed in exhaustion right after the installers left and didn't get up again until the next morning. 


I love having heat again, but I was not happy with the servicemen.  They forgot to relight the pilot on the hot water tank.  That was an unpleasant discovery at 4:30 the next morning.  I would never survive any sort of apocalypse - the loss of coffee, hot water, and access to the internet would kill me.  Anyway, Dean finally got the stupid pilot to relight after fooling around with it for - oh - about an hour.  Grrrr.


I was able to read 3 novellas during the furnace install, and this weekend I'm going to start reading through some of the holiday stories I have received.  It's chilly outside, I have a functioning furnace, and yippy, I have a full can of coffee and Pumpkin Spice creamer so I'm all set for a weekend of Christmas themed stories.  I also have to finish up The Lair, which I am enjoying, but after the 50% mark, the pacing has become uneven.  Hoping for a strong finish.


What are you reading this weekend?

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text 2013-10-11 12:52
So, like, if you go balls to the wall lurker/stalker at a Harper Collins booth at Comic Con...

It will change your life...








Life changed. 


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review 2013-04-06 15:54
Seizing Your Divine Moment: Dare to Live a Life of Adventure
Seizing Your Divine Moment: Dare to Live a Life of Adventure - Erwin Raphael McManus Seizing Your Divine Moment : Dare to Live a Life of Adventure by Erwin Raphael McManus (?)
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review 2012-01-02 00:00
The Moment: Wild, Poignant, Life-Changing Stories from 125 Writers and Artists Famous & Obscure - Larry Smith,Jessica J.J. Lutz MY THOUGHTSLOVED ITThis is such an inspiring book of essays! It is full of famous and not so famous people relating what moment in their lives was truly something that had a great impact on their lives and the lives of others, even if they didn't realize it at the time. The stories are honest and reflective in a way that can be most surprising to the reader. Each one has somewhat of an Ah Ha moment where the author describes an occurrence of an event that at the time, really didn't seem that important but when they look back upon it, it is special indeed.I think my favorite one is Melissa Etheridge relating her singing A Piece of My Heart on an award show while she was undergoing cancer treatment at the time. She didn't see it as anything important at the time, but that performance gave strength to breast cancer survivors everywhere. She did it while not looking her best and with no hair. There are alot of little things this book offers most of which, is the wonderful attitude of those who have just done things and then thought about them later. You can easily pick this one up read a few pages and then reread the same pages and get even more out of the stories.
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review 2011-02-05 00:00
Working Backwards from the Worst Moment of My Life
Working Backwards from the Worst Moment of My Life - Rob Roberge Amazing. Nothing more can be said.
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