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quote 2016-02-20 08:34
W tej liczbie mnogiej, w tym "my", było coś kojącego. Nie było już jego ani mnie. Byliśmy my.
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quote 2015-04-29 16:04
Love is lost
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review 2013-11-14 22:34

Who was the real Jamie McCrae? A ruthless ruler or a puckish prince? Perhaps he was a bit of both. And just like that, a tiny sprout of hope bloomed in my chest.
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quote 2013-10-10 20:07
“When a book is read an irrevocable thing happens — a murder, followed by an imposture. The story in the mind murders the story on the page, and takes its place.”
The Unwritten Volume 2: Inside Man - Peter Gross,Mike Carey

Mike Carey

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