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review 2020-07-28 03:06
Mitch is doing a black op
Enemy of the State (A Mitch Rapp Novel) - Vince Flynn,Kyle Mills

Mitch Rapp have found out that an ISIS supporter in the rank of Saudi and now the American President want this to be deal with without the official order. 


This is so outrageous and unfair to Mitch Rapp. Of course he is going to do it. 


As story goes, there is no one in his life except for the widow of the man who killed his wife and derailed his life. The guilt of being a participant of such tragedy bring Claudia into Mitch life, first as a decorator for his new house, and now as his partner handling logistics. 


Coleman is still out and tried to heal after the last mission. He recommended Claudia too. 


Situation arise that pushed this decision. Finally, Claudia is going to be his partner. 


The bad guys are well hidden. The ruthless Saudi has killed off ties that could reveal his secret as a traitor. 


FBI Joel is the guy being used to hunt Mitch. 


Nice action bit. A bit too much at times but it is fun to read as there are more intelligent bad guys make it more challenging. 


Irene involvement is minimum yet important. 



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review 2020-07-24 18:36
Mitch is chasing nuclear bombs
Order to Kill: A Novel (A Mitch Rapp Novel Book 13) - Vince Flynn,Kyle Mills

Mitch is being distracted by the widow of the killer who killed his late wife. Weird.

Claudia is the late wife and Ann is the daughter. They were being hidden in South Africa when words got out that they were being targeted for kidnapping and probably killed. A new player is in town and he is just as good as Mitch. Rare but possible.

Then there is a lot of trap and twists and a bit too risky even for someone as skill as Mitch Rapp. Then it would be just plot device to add lot of tension and action into the story. 


The more interesting plot is while the world leaders are acting more like sciopaths, the assassins themselves are more human than those politicians. In a way, it is strange. 

There is also humor and some laugh out loud moments. Coleman was hurt in this one and it got a bit emotional. 


Going to read the next one and see what happened next. 

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review 2019-10-01 10:01
Darkseid Is... Another Great Read By Tom King!
Mister Miracle - Tom King,Mitch Gerads

When I first read The Vision written by Tom King, I saw brilliance and passion that was never done before in comics. When I heard about Mister Miracle, also written by him, I have to read it and this is by far, another great read that only he can come up some thing original, much like the Wes Anderson of comics.


But what I can't say much about this is the synopsis because there is just so much to write about and also, in its own brilliance, deeper than I have ever read. There are layers upon layers in this story that focus on Scott Free and his wife, Big Barda and how all of a sudden, New Genesis is at war. But this is not about the war, it is the question of life and death and how Scott Free handles it. He is not really at his right mind, and his reality seems to be crumbling down or just the other way around? Still, what makes this comic an incredible read is the dialogue, the artwork and the nine-panel creation that was meant to write as it is for. I love how it is not the norm from most written comics but this is one of the best stories I have ever read and one I would recommend to all if you have not read it. Yes, it may get confusing if you do not know most of the characters from the Fourth World but don't let it stop you, you just got to read this.

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review 2019-07-26 02:05
The Next Person You Meet in Heaven: The Sequel to The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom

For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-Cycle

I read The Five People You Meet in Heaven a few years ago. I remember really enjoying it, but honestly I don't remember anything about it. While this is a sequel to the first book, it is only loosely connected and can be read as a standalone. 

Overall, I thought this book was okay. The writing was lovely and there is no doubt that Albom is a great writer. But I just didn't really connect to this one. Probably because every other section recounted some mistake Annie made with the heading "Annie Makes a Mistake". Yes, I realize that was the whole point of her learning experience, yada yada, but hearing about how much she messed up repeatedly was a bit irritating and didn't make me respect her as a character. I also listened to the audiobook, in which you can't just skim through the boring annoying parts. This may have influenced my reading experience as well. 

Aside from that, the book just felt like bad thing after bad thing. As inspirational as it set out to be, it was kind of a downer. 

I do want to reread the first one now that I realize how the second connects to it. Not sure if I didn't like this one because my tastes have changed over the years or if this one just didn't live up to the legacy of the first. Either way, this one was just okay to me.

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review 2019-06-20 20:27
The Great Escape
Mister Miracle: The Complete Series - Tom King,Mitch Gerads

Scott Free, a.k.a. Mister Miracle, is an escape artist, an alien god, and a superhero, but this story is miles removed from typical superheroics. This is a story about escaping. In places it is about escaping from the trauma of an abusive childhood and escaping from the horrors of war. In other places it is about escaping from the banality of everyday life. Scott and his wife Barda debate renovating their condo while dodging death rays and acid gas. They prepare for the birth of their first child while serving as generals in an interplanetary war in which billions are dying.


The book opens with Scott bleeding on the bathroom floor after a suicide attempt. He tries to play this off as the ultimate escape attempt: escape from death itself, but clearly something is very wrong with Scott. We learn early on that Darkseid has acquired the Anti-Life Equation and may be using it to warp reality and drive Scott insane. As the story progresses it increasingly becomes more about the daily trials of a young married couple who have just become parents for the first time.


In the end Scott may have found his escape not by defeating the forces of cosmic evil but by embracing his role as a husband and father. On the other hand, none of it may be real and he never escaped at all. It is almost a "choose your own adventure" story in that sense. The artwork is as unconventional as the story, with the artist capturing the affect of the rolling distortion of a weak signal on an old broadcast TV to convey the warping of reality or the distorted perception of it as the case may be.


I must admit I have no idea what the current status of the New Gods is in DC comics continuity. A few years back Jim Starlin did a mini-series in which the New Gods were killed off. Then almost immediately afterwards Grant Morrison killed them again in Final Crisis. I know Geoff Johns recently did a Darkseid War series in Justice League, but I have not read it. Mister Miracle does not appear to be part of regular continuity, but it could be. I would not recommend Mister Miracle as anyone's first exposure to the New Gods, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone who has read a lot of comics and is familiar with the tropes of the medium and its various deconstructions.

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